En eskadrille var en gruppe af starfightere eller bombere der fløj sammen i slag. En Eskadrille bestod oftest af omkring 12 starfightere. På planeten Adumar var eskadriller kendt som flightknives.
Liste over eskadriller[]
Jedi Ordenen[]
- Red Squadron (Jedi)
- Blue Squadron (Jedi)
- Gold Squadron (Jedi)
- blue squadron alpha
- 128th TIE Interceptor Squadron
- 181st Imperial Fighter Group
- Black Squadron
- Black Eight Squadron
- Death Squadron
- Alpha Squadron
- Beta Squadron
- Gamma Squadron
- Delta Squadron
- Zeta Squadron
- Eta Squadron
- Theta Squadron
- Mu Squadron
- Nu Squadron
- Rho Squadron
- Scimitar Squadron
- Shrike Squadron
- Sigma Squadron
- Scythe Squadron
- Tau Squadron
- Obsidian Squadron
- Onyx Squadron
- Storm Squadron
Oprørsalliancen/Nye Republik/ Galaktiske Alliance[]
- Aggressor Squadron
- Barefoot Squadron
- Blue Squadron
- Blackmoon Squadron
- Bravo Squadron
- Bravo Flight Squadron
- Corsair Squadron
- Devil Squadron
- Tolv-plus-To Hævnere (Kyp's Dusin)
- Gauntlet Squadron
- Gold Squadron
- Green Squadron
- Gray Squadron
- High Flight Squadron
- Knave Squadron
- Lancer Squadron
- Lightning Squadron
- Medpac Squadron
- Nova Squadron
- Polearm Squadron
- Red Squadron
- Red Hand Squadron
- Rogue Squadron
- Screaming Wookiee Squadron
- Shadow Squadron
- Taanab Yellow Aces
- Tala Squadron
- Talon Squadron
- Twin Suns Squadron
- Vanguard Squadron
- Wild Knights Squadron
- Wraith Squadron
- Yellow Aces Squadron
- Chiss Squadron
- Spike Squadron
- Vanguard Squadron
- Zark Squadron
- Blades of the Ice Edge Flightknife
- Blood on the Flowers Flightknife
- Frozen Death Flightknife
- Lords of Dismay Flightknife
- Strike the Moons Flightknife
- Sunwhip Flightknife