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Arbra: Sanctuary In the Storm es un suplemento online para el Star Wars Roleplaying Game publicado en el sitio web de Wizards of the Coast en junio del 2003 como parte de la serie Planet Hoppers. Fue escrito por Cory J. Herndon sobre el planeta Arbra.


Hole in the Ground
"In which the Alliance's Chief Logistics Officer offers an assessment of the new Rebel base."
Judge Him Not By His Size
"In which Princess Leia supports the Hoojib leader Plif for a position in the New Republic Senate."
The Darker
"In which C-3PO, R2-D2, and Chewbacca encounter an ancient horror that haunts Arbra's underground."
Rebels in Disguise
"In which the Rebels on Arbra refit a flight wing of stolen TIEs to launch a daring hit-and-run attack."



Organizaciones y títulos

  • Allianza de Planetas Libres
  • Capitán
  • Escuadrón Bantha Volador


Naves y vehículos

  • TIE fighter Rebelde modificado

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