Era un arma que disparaba proyectiles de granadas o a secuencia temporal, similar a las granadas.
- Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds
- Star Wars: Bounty Hunter
- Jedi Quest: The Master of Disguise
- Jedi Quest: The Shadow Trap
- Republic Commando: Hard Contact
- Shatterpoint
- Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns
- Star Wars: Battlefront
- Star Wars: Battlefront II
- Imperial Commando: 501st
- The Last of the Jedi: Dark Warning
- The Force Unleashed novela
- Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron
- Han Solo and the Lost Legacy (Grenade thrower)
- Star Wars: Lethal Alliance
- Star Wars: Dark Forces
- Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption
- Planet of Twilight
- «Blaze of Glory» - Star Wars Adventure Journal 8
- Dark Tide I: Onslaught
- Outcast