Un oficial de seguridad era el responsable de mantener la seguridad del personal militar, los vehículos y las instalaciones. Fue a menudo una parte integral de una célula de la Alianza Rebelde.
- Star Wars: The Old Republic
- Jedi Quest: The Moment of Truth
- Jedi Quest: The Changing of the Guard
- «Ringers» - Star Wars Adventure Journal 6
- Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided
- «A Certain Point of View (short story)» - Star Wars Adventure Journal 8
- Black Ice
- "Infiltration"—Supernova
- «Swoop Gangs» - Star Wars Adventure Journal 6 (Solo mencionado)
- «Kella Rand, Reporting...» - Star Wars Adventure Journal 6
- Omens—The DarkStryder Campaign
- Traitor in our Midst—The DarkStryder Campaign
- Plant Food—The Kathol Outback
- Harm's Way—The Kathol Rift
- Waystation—The Kathol Rift
- «Retreat from Coruscant» - Star Wars Adventure Journal 7
- The Last Command Sourcebook
- The DarkStryder Campaign
- Galaxy Guide 5: Return of the Jedi, Second Edition
- Shadows of the Empire Sourcebook
- The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook
- Star Wars Customizable Card Game – Jabba's Palace Limited (Card: Vul Tazaene)
- Star Wars: Behind the Magic
- Rebellion Era Campaign Guide
- Star Wars: Return of the Jedi en StarWars.com (enlace de respaldo) (Solo videoclip)
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