Welcome to Wookieepedia Discussions! We are honored that you would join us. We ask that you read this post in its entirety. It is designed to get you acquainted with the basic rules and the necessities of forum use. It should take no more than five minutes to read. With that, let's get started!
1. Every Discussions forum has some Guidelines. FANDOM provides an outline (and of course we abide by policies like FANDOM Terms of Use), but some forums expand on them. Wookieepedia already has quite the pile of policies, and we have expanded our Guidelines to reflect Wookieepedia's standards.
There's also a wiki page that goes over some other essential details. It also gives an overview of the category system that we use here at Wookieepedia Discussions.
2. Now you're ready to make a post of your own. What do you want to talk about? Use a title that draws attention. Add a little paragraph explaining your reasoning. Maybe add a picture or two. When you've finished, you'll have an opportunity to review what you wrote. Then you can add Article Tags and a Category to your post.
Article Tags are like hashtags. If you go to Twitter or Instagram and search for #LukeSkywalker, you'll see a bunch of posts about Luke Skywalker. It's the same concept here. You could add the tag “Luke Skywalker” to your post. Then, when you go on the Luke Skywalker tag page, you can find posts related to him (including your post!).
Then you'll be able to put your post in a category. The default is General, but there are nine other categories: Announcements, Star Wars News, Memes/Fun, Community Projects, Polls/Favorites, Featured, Fan Creations, Theory/Analysis, and Hall of Fame.
3. If you see spam, trolls, or anything inappropriate, REPORT, REPORT, REPORT. You can report a post by clicking the three dots at the upper right-hand corner of the post/comment on the browser and on the app. And when you report a post, don't mention it. Just move on. Report and Ignore is the policy. The same goes for trolls. DO NOT ENGAGE WITH TROLLS. If it gets heated, move on, or you might get caught in the explosion. Reported posts become evident to moderators, and we'll determine if it stays or goes. Deleted posts are hidden from your eyes.
4. The three dots hold another important feature: editing posts/comments. Now, this should be used sparingly, like to correct a misspelled word or insert a link you had forgotten. THIS SHOULD NOT BE USED TO ALTER THE WORDING OF YOUR POST/COMMENT SO THAT THE INTENT IS CHANGED. That is highly against forum etiquette and could get you in trouble. If it is a hefty change, add EDIT to the bottom and the new text.
5. Are you looking for a specific type of post? Try the [ThreadHub]. This is the place to find everything you'll ever need - meme dumps, movie discussions, book reviews, community projects, and so much more. Follow the Master Hub and other hubs you are interested in to stay updated!
6. Some additional tips:
To improve your posting and etiquette, feel free to check out this helpful guide:
Wookieepedia has a 30-day spoiler policy and Wookieepedia Discussions abides by the same rules. During this time, one official thread will be permitted to allow everyone a good chance to read/watch and not get spoiled. You can read more about that here:
Don't mini-mod, moderators exist for a reason.
Generally be a polite, kind user. It'll go a long way.
7. Wookieepedia Discussions is only half of the site - there is a whole wiki attached! Additionally, anyone can edit. Maybe that's why you're here. Many editors took time to create editing tutorials for you to start your journey. It's simple if you take the time to learn the process:
And if you need help editing, editors are on standby in the Ask An Editor A Question thread.
8. If you need any assistance, the moderators will respond as soon as we can in the Ask A Mod A Question (AAMAQ) thread. If you do not have a question, do not make offhand comments. You risk a temporary block.
If you encounter any bugs, please notify us in the Community Help thread. FANDOM developers keep an eye on the thread, as well as our community representative, so that's as direct a line you can get to FANDOM.
If you ever have to message FANDOM directly, you can use Special:Contact or email them at community@fandom.com
Credit to @Spooder-Man777 for creating the original post in 2019. This is the updated 2023 edition.
To the Welcoming Committee, try to start using this thread as the Warm Welcome from here on out.