Now this is what I have been waiting for! This era, which exists as a sort of bridge between the traditional High Republic and the Prequel Trilogy has always been ripe for exploration and storytelling about the ascendant Sith, and it seems like I’ll finally be getting my wish.
While the trailer definitely gave some solid answers, I feel like it presents even more new questions. Biggest of all, just who is the mysterious Sith Lord that the trailer teased? I strongly doubt that he is Darth Plagueis, as his silhouette is too stocky and short to be a Muun. Besides, Plagueis would be too young at this time to be a full-on Sith Lord. Another possibility is that this is Plagueis’ Master, Darth Tenebrous. Tenebrous is a Bith, a species whose physical proportions more closely match this mysterious silhouette. Also, it’s hard to tell for sure, but this figure may be wearing a transpirator mask, just like Tenebrous does. However, the silhouette’s head shape doesn’t look quite right. I think this could be chalked up to a less exaggerated redesign for the Bith species on a tv series budget, like what happened with the Duros and Pau’ans on other tv series.
Either way, I am definitely hyped for this show, and can’t wait until June!