Yeah. Tell me what my opinion looks like to you?
131 Votes in Poll
131 Votes in Poll
112 Votes in Poll
Yeah. Tell me what my opinion looks like to you?
Today is the birthday of actor Domhnall Gleeson, who plays General Armitage Hux in The Sequel Trilogy.
ok so, i personally am a big fan of general armitage hux and wish he was featured more as a character in the movies. i was doing a bit of digging last night, and come to find out, armitage is the illegitimate child of brendol hux and "a kitchen woman". like her name is literally just "a kitchen woman"? and then brendol hux freaking disowned his child and was so mean to him, and all of this stuff happened that makes me so sad for him!! i think he's a very underrated character who deserves more recognition, and i loved seeing him recognized with his own animatronic in the "star wars: rise of the resistance" ride at the disney parks. even if he is technically evil, i find that i am willing to overlook it, cause he's a goofy little guy and i feel like if you took the time to get to know him as a person he probably has a very nice side to him and i feel like he'd actually be really soft.
anyways, thanks for coming to my ted talk about armitage hux. i love him :)
on a lighter note, he wears citrus-scented hair gel. (don't remember where i found this out, lol)
i'd like to know, though, what are yall's opinions on hux?
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96 Votes in Poll
The picture is from Age of Resistance - General Hux, and I wonder if these are just regular clothes kid Hux was wearing or if they were some kind of official crew uniform I don't know about. The two adults, the father Brendol and his bald buddy Brooks, are still wearing Imperial uniforms after the Battle of Jakku and their escape to the Unknown Regions.
Please let me know what you think!
273 Votes in Poll
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How long do you think it would take Darth Vader to lose patience with and Force Choke General Hux?
156 Votes in Poll
What is your favorite scene from the sequel trilogy?
At the top of my list for favorite scenes would be when Hux is making his speech at Starkiller Base in The Force Awakens and destroys five planets at the same time.
I also enjoyed the duel between Rey and Kylo Ren in The Force Awakens.
Title: Kylo and Hux's Turf War
Scene: The bridge of the First Order's Star Destroyer. Kylo Ren and General Hux are arguing.
Kylo: (yelling) I can't believe you moved my TIE fighter without asking!
Hux: (defensively) Your TIE fighter was in the way of my new holographic projector!
Kylo: (sarcastically) Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know your projector was more important than my ship!
Hux: (smirking) Well, it is.
Kylo: (shouting) You know what, Hux? I'm sick of your disrespect. You're always undermining me and it's getting old.
Hux: (rolling his eyes) Oh, please. You're the one who throws tantrums every time things don't go your way.
Kylo: (getting even more agitated) I do not throw tantrums!
Hux: (chuckling) Really? What do you call smashing your helmet every time you're angry?
Kylo: (pointing at Hux) You know what? I've had it with you! This is my turf and you need to start showing me some respect.
Hux: (smirking) Your turf? Last I checked, I'm the General around here.
Kylo: (stepping closer to Hux) You want to go, Hux? I'm not afraid to take you down.
Hux: (smiling wickedly) Oh, I'd like to see you try.
Just then, the First Order's Supreme Leader Snoke enters the bridge.
Snoke: (sighing) What is going on here?
Kylo and Hux immediately straighten up and look at Snoke.
Kylo: (quickly) Nothing, Supreme Leader. We were just discussing strategy.
Hux: (nodding) Yes, just a minor disagreement.
Snoke: (raising an eyebrow) I see. Well, I suggest you both calm down and remember your positions in the First Order.
Kylo and Hux nod and go back to their work, but shoot each other dirty looks every now and then.
Snoke turns and exits the bridge, shaking his head.
Snoke: (to himself) Sometimes I wonder if I should have just stuck to ruling the galaxy alone.
The End.
Title: Kylo Ren's Tantrums
Kylo Ren
General Hux
Setting: First Order base
[The scene opens with Kylo Ren pacing back and forth, fuming with anger.
General Hux enters the room and notices Kylo's agitated state.]
Hux: "What's wrong with you, Ren? Have you lost your mind again?"
Kylo: "I am not the one who lost a Starkiller Base, Hux. And stop calling me Ren, it's Kylo."
Hux: "You're always so angry. You need to control yourself, or you'll become a liability to the First Order."
Kylo: "I'll show you who's a liability." [Kylo uses the Force to throw a nearby object at Hux, but Hux dodges it with ease.]
Hux: "See what I mean? You're out of control."
Kylo: "I am not out of control. I just have a lot of emotions that need to be expressed."
Hux: "Well, maybe you should find a healthier way to express them, like meditating or something."
Kylo: "Meditating? Are you serious? That's for Jedi. I'm a Knight of Ren."
Hux: "Fine, then do something else. Take up a hobby, go for a walk, anything that doesn't involve throwing things around."
Kylo: "Maybe you're right. Maybe I need to find a new way to channel my anger."
Hux: "Finally, some sense. Now, let's get back to work."
[Kylo takes a deep breath and nods in agreement. As they walk out of the room, Kylo suddenly stops in his tracks and glares at Hux.]
Kylo: "But just so we're clear, I'm still in charge here."
Hux: [Rolls his eyes] "Of course, Kylo. You're always in charge."
[The two continue walking down the hallway as the scene fades to black.]
I'm willing to bet most of you would change that spy thing, and I'd agree on that.
What do you rate General Hux in SW Force Awakens?
Hey. I’m making a roleplay in the first order. The premise is my character who was born under the first order and her father is a third officer to kylo ren. She has gone to many galas and events. She even went out on dates with Kylo Ren and General Hux. And guess what? She hated every minute of it. She hates living under the first order. All she sees is pain and suffering towards everyone and everything. That’s why she wants to leave that would behind. She has it all planned out. She’ll get a job at a bar that pays well and probably is least spied on by her father and get enough money for a ship. She found a nice secluded planet that leaned a little towards the Resistance but is mostly neutral. It’s quiet and serene. But it’s not a fail safe plan. And she constantly feels like Kylo Ren and General Hux are wanting her back.
Anyways, I need to think of names for districts. I can’t really think of certain names so I thought maybe I’d come here and ask around.
Heres a picture of my character if anyone wanted to know.
I was lookin through some files and i come across THIS??
The heck? XD
241 Votes in Poll
I noticed that this scene is very reminiscent of Adolf Hitler’s speeches. If you compare a video of Hitler giving a speech to this scene of Hux, the way that Hux shouts words and how he puts emphasis on them, it is extremely similar to how Hitler would speak to his audience.