Before the release of Jedi: Fallen Order, there was an UMBARAN campaign lightsaber hilt as a pre-order offer. I was thinking whether Cal participated in the Battle of Umbara.
247 Votes in Poll
247 Votes in Poll
122 Votes in Poll
Before the release of Jedi: Fallen Order, there was an UMBARAN campaign lightsaber hilt as a pre-order offer. I was thinking whether Cal participated in the Battle of Umbara.
156 Votes in Poll
So most of us theorize that Anakin will replace the Father, as seen in Clone Wars when the Father literally asked him to take his place. That leaves us with the Daughter, and the Son. Most of us relate Ahsoka to Anakin, and theorize her to replace the Daughter, because she has ties to Morai as seen in Rebels. But who is the Son? Starkiller? Well, he's not canon. So I have another theory, Cal Kestis. In Jedi Survivor, Cal embraced the darkness to defeat the game's final boss, ending up civilizing a safe haven from the Empire, but fearing an inevitable confrontation with the Dark Side. Both Cal and Ahsoka also have the ability to sense Force Echoes, fragments of Time saved by the Force. Which, by the way, the World Between Worlds allows you to see through and go through time. So I think Cal might come back in live action, considering his actor has experience in playing him so they could create his model for the game. So I'm theorizing Cal may come back for the next Ahsoka season, or maybe Filoni's upcoming film, depending on where the ending to Cal's trilogy ends up. But really, only Anakin knows who his apprentices are going to be- because he is most definitely seeing through the future in the World Between Worlds.
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35 Votes in Poll
Traversal: Cal can dash while mid-air, double jump, and walljump.
Standard attack: 3 hit combo from single blade style
Dash Attack- The Dropkick from Crossguard Style
Crouched Attack- Pulls out Double Bladed Saber, jumps up slightly, and spins it below him, hitting on all sides, similar to the last hit of Endless Hurricane.
N-Air: Simple back and forth slashes with Single Bladed
B-Air/F-air: Can stabs in the direction you inputted, resembling either the backwards stab from Single-Bladed style or the first attack of Blaster Style's melee combo
D-Air/U-air: Wide strike down/upwards with the Crossguard's longer blade.
Side Smash: Vortex Drive from the Double Bladed Saber, Cal dives forwards while spinning the blade.
Down Smash: Rending Strike, Cal uses the Crossguard to strike the ground below him.
Up Smash: Crossguard's Force Attack, a wide upwards slash.
Neutral Special: Blaster, low damage but high stagger, has a slight windup, giving you time to aim it by moving the stick afterwards.
Side Special: Force Push, I don't think I have to explain this one
Up Special: Cal switches to Dual Wield style, and throws both blades upwards.
Down Special: Electro Darts, Cal uses BD-1 to throw out a small electric dart, stunning enemies if it hits. However, this attack has low damage.
Final Smash: >!Embrace The Darkness<!/Force Stasis (determined by alt), Cal charges forwards with a horizontal slash, if at least one enemy gets hit, and an animation of Cal releasing a flurry of attacks at all enemies will play, with the animations of everyone involved but him slowed down. >!If Embrace The Darkness is the final Smash the screen will get a red filter over it and those little black lines along the side for the duration of the move<!.
Alts 1, 3, 5, and 7 all use his "Survivor" outfit, 1 uses the default blue clothes + saber, 3 gets green clothes + saber, 5 uses dark gray clothes and a purple saber, 7 uses tan clothes and a yellow saber.
Alts 2, 4, and 6 use his "Scrapper" outfit, alt 2 is the default blue one, with a cyan saber, 4 uses light gray clothes and a white saber, 6 uses orange clothes + saber.
Alt 8 uses his Inquisitor Costume, changes his lightsaber hilt to a black one, and uses a red lightsaber color, this alt also changes his final Smash to >!Embrace The Darkness<!.
Kirby will have Cal Kestis' hair.
181 Votes in Poll
Ashley Eckstein (Ahsoka Tano) - Drake and Josh Episode "Believe me Brother"
Cameron Monaghan (Cal Kestus) - Neds Declassified Episode "Tutors"
Any other examples?
185 Votes in Poll
In the Sequels, Luke Skywalker was the last Jedi in the galaxy. Ashoka and Ezra never formally became Jedi Knights as far as we know, and if Ezra did, then I think he is dead during the Sequels. Cal Kestis was knighted by Cere Junda so he became a Jedi Knight, so if he was still alive by the time of the Sequels, then Luke would not be the last Jedi. It is possible if Cal and Ezra joined Luke’s new Jedi order, that they died along with the rest of his order. But my point is that I think Cal Kestis is dead during the Sequels since we know he became a Jedi Knight and by the time of the Sequels, Luke was the last Jedi. However, I do think Cal is definitely still alive during the Mandalorian.
187 Votes in Poll
186 Votes in Poll
I have to say it was really hard lol. I still don't understand how it's possible that I can make a lot of different shades with the same pencil I can't color a drawing without looking like a second grader, please don't pay attention if it's colored badly, I'm just not used to it because I usually draw in black and white. However, looking a photo of a person and drawing it in TCW 2003 style is not as easy as it seems, also because the TCW 2003 style is a style with few details and it's something I just can't do, the temptation to make the eyes more realistic and add more shadows was strong lol, I also had to draw the hair with a very simple style, and it took me a quarter of an hour just for that because I wanted to make it so that it didn't have too many details but at the same time they were not "flat". So, what do you think? do you like it?
111 Votes in Poll
Did you figure out that the Second Sister's secret identity was Trilla Suduri before she took her helmet off to reveal her secret identity to Cal Kestis?