243 Votes in Poll
243 Votes in Poll
138 Votes in Poll
'Fans' complain left, right, and even center about this. But if you look at Finn's story arc for what it is, is it really that bad?
In TFA he's a stormtrooper that decided not to kill everyone (later revealed to be the force's influence), and rescued Poe. He's terrified of the First Order, but finds courage in Rey to face his fears and face the First Order and Kylo Ren. He ultimately helped the resistance with a support role in revealing a weakness in Starkiller Base's structure. Even though he is in the supporting role, he is a key role nonetheless.
In TLJ he relapses due to getting brutally injured by Ren, but in Canto Bight he learns how far the effects of the war reach through the corruption in the casinos and how that supports child labour. He's tempted with the option to quit and just profit off of both sides and live an easier and more enjoyable life, as all he's known since childhood is the First Order. Walking out on the war would have been easy, but wrong since it's more than just two people blowing each other up. He then affirms that he's committed to the cause and even takes Phasma out. Unfortunately he wasn't fully committed to the cause because his motivations lay more around revenge on the First Order and less about helping people, and almost killed himself. Thankfully Rose saved him so he could fight another day. In TFA, he was at the bottom of the resistance, and in TLJ he's somewhere in the middle.
In TROS, he stumbles upon other stormtroopers who didn't have the courage to fight back the way he did, and was the courage to them that Rey was to him. After Leia died, Poe anointed him General, filling in the gaps after Leia's death, and he's now the top guy at the resistance, after having been a lowly stormtrooper. He inspired Jannah to take up arms and became his star assist throughout the battle, and is seen to take out loads of troopers. The extra hands from Jannah's crew were also vital, especially with the Orbaks instead of speeders. He then literally took out all of the final order higher ups WITH THEIR OWN WEAPONRY. Talk about poetic justice, since he was a stormtrooper, and throughout the trilogy, was the guy to take them down. Yes, when watching the films we mainly focus on how the force awakens in Rey, but the force also awakened him, and ultimately he used it to help take down the Final Order on Exegol.
It's also dope how as far as a space battle goes, Finn basically shot them at point blank range when he took down the command deck. He didn't use a crazy weapon, or get a lucky underdog shot. He started as an underdog in TFA, but ended as a badass in TROS. The fact that he did so much during that battle also makes Rose's rescue even better.
Poe anointing him general is character development on Poe, as Poe always liked being the hero. This is great synergy.
It parallels how the force awakened Rey and later Ben to face Palpatine together. This goes to show how powerful the force is. Literally just awakening the right people who did the rest on their own, and also being with them.
So from stormtrooper and sanitation engineer to resistance hero and general.
So what the f*** are people complaining about? If this is about him and Rey not sharing a romance, then clearly that is the only thing you care about. Finding courage through someone else isn't the same as potential romance blossoming.
155 Votes in Poll
The thing that puts me off the Prequel trilogy the most is the "romance" between Anakin and Padme that was created from the beginning. I don't like how she first says "Anakin, you shouldn't! Don't!" or something like that, and then it cannot be separated from it. At first it's all like a game of hide-and-seek between them. But they both broke that rule anyway. And finally they had children. And overall, this is what bores me the most in the trilogy. And as for the Sequel trilogy, I personally prefer it. Mainly because there is no love game of hide and seek. And no, don't think I prefer this trilogy because of John Boyega and Daisy Ridley. Yes, I love these actors, but I didn't know who they were until just a few years ago. I didn't know who John was, nor did I know who Daisy was. Anyway, let me continue. I'd also rather see Finn screaming Rey's name like he's going to tear his vocal cords, Leia Organa's aged and somewhat jaded face (sorry Leia), or an ex-stormtrooper, a round droid, and a young girl fleeing Abu Dhabi (or Jakku). Yes almost these examples are again related to the characters of John and Daisy, but it is. Ah, I forgot one of my favorite moments in the trilogy! How Rey (Skywalker) blurs Palpatine's wrinkled visage. And no, don't judge me for speaking my mind! Everyone is entitled to an opinion here, and this is mine. I think the Sequel Trilogy deserves more credit than some Star Wars fans and film critics have given it. And why? Because they underestimate her! And I don't think we should underestimate so many young actors and new stories that we saw in the episodes.
May The Force Be With You!✨
160 Votes in Poll
Both their actors wanted them to be a couple, and they even implied possible romance between the two throughout the sequel trilogy, and I'm pretty sure oscar isaac (poes actor) did at some point confirm that poe was in love with finn or something along those lines, also are things confirmed by actors about their characters not considered canon unless/until confirmed by someone else higher up?
Sorry if this was confusing
258 Votes in Poll
Friends... The friends are one of the most important things in human's life. With those person first you can be a stranger, second his sister or brother. Don't be angry at your friend (s)! No matter what happened. You must value your best friend. Be like brother and sister, like John and Daisy. Like the Peanuts from London... Always ♡
May The Force Be With You!✨
166 Votes in Poll
*Debate Open:
My Opinion: Personally I think Finn must be a Jedi. (As we know Finn is Force-sensitive). He is very good warrior and he is very brave. I have a memory Rey is his master in Star Wars: Holiday Special (2020) (Correct me If I'm wrong). So, that's mine opinion!
May The Force Be With You!✨
227 Votes in Poll