If you could pick 5 force users (-the ones and abeloth) whose powers (including their combined force sensitivity and potential) and equipment you would gain in real life who are you picking???
117 Votes in Poll
117 Votes in Poll
119 Votes in Poll
If you could pick 5 force users (-the ones and abeloth) whose powers (including their combined force sensitivity and potential) and equipment you would gain in real life who are you picking???
156 Votes in Poll
187 Votes in Poll
143 Votes in Poll
71 Votes in Poll
Is Darth revan's armor physically attached to his body like a spring lock suit from fnaf
185 Votes in Poll
187 Votes in Poll
This isn't about whether or not the game has or hasn't been cancelled; that's into leak/rumor territory which we don't talk about here.
But it crossed my mind that Bioware is, as everyone knows, the developer of the original KotOR.
They are ALSO the developer of the first two Baldur's Gate games.
At the moment, Bioware is preoccupied with Mass Effect and Dragon Age. What isn't so speculatory is that the current dev of the KotOR Remake is having a... tumultuous time, to say the least.
So my query of sorts is this: Larian knocked it WAAAAAY out of the park with Baldur's Gate 3 and proved a worthy successor to Bioware for the series. What if Lucasfilm re-shopped the KotOR Remake to Larian? Would it breathe new life into the remake? They're certainly no strangers to filling in (and even growing out of) Bioware's shoes.
179 Votes in Poll
200 Votes in Poll
I think the best way to bring legends especially Revan is through a mini sub franchise below starting with Kotor 1 as a star wars videogame movie.
SW Kotor opening Crawl
Attack on endar spire
Rescue of Bastilla shan
Battle of davik’s estate
Destruction of taris
Duel on dantooine
Quest for the star forge
Ambush on anchorhead
Massacre on sand people camp
Ambush on tatooine
Rebellion on kashyyyk
Skirmish in Shadowlands
Duel against Chundaar
Trial of sunry
Raid on manaan sith embassy
Duel on mannaan
Destruction of the dantooine jedi
Escape of leviathan
Confrontation of the sith tombs
Battle of dreshdae sith academy
Skirmish on yavin 4 station
Rakatan civil war
Duel in the temple of ancients
Battle of lehon/rakatan prime
Celebration and finale
Then a Disney plus movie exclusive based on the first part of the revan sequel novel
2 Years Later…
REVAN’s Journey
Dromund Kas
Revan on coruscant and bastilla with nightmares.
Meeting with Canderous Ordo
Search for the Mask of Mandalore
Skourge and the Dromund Kas sith empire scene
Revan captured scene
Tv-short movie
Then Kotor 2 as a regular theatrical movie
Kotor-2 : The Sith Lords
Sw opening crawl
Destruction of Peragus station
Skirmish on Citadel Station
Skirmish on Telos Carath Onasi
Mission to nar shaada
Duel on the ebon hawk
Onderon Civil war
Saw garrera Easter egg
Battle of Dxun (Canderous and mandalorians against Onderon and Darth Nihlius)
Battle of Khoonda Dantooine
End of Onderon Civil War
Duel on Korriban sith academy (Darth Sion)
Duel in Telos Jedi Academy
Battle of Telos IV (Republic, Khoonda, Telos, Onderon, and Mandalorians against Darth Nihlius)
Battle of Malachor V (Kreia and Darth Sion)
Then another tv Disney Plus exclusive movie based on the book
3 years later…
Revan’s Redemption
Mitra Surik Bastilla Coruscant scene
Mitra and scourge scene
Meetra rescues revan
Revan sith emperor battle
T3M4 death scene
Scourge kills mitra
Revan recaptured
Bastilla son scene
Tv movie
And instead of The whole SWTOR story can instead be based on the High Republic that Disney is planning on doing. As a videogame or movie or tv series ???
144 Votes in Poll
Hello, everyone. I am curious about something: what did you name Revan in KOTOR?
I usually name him “Luke Starkiller” to reference the original script of A New Hope, but on my current playthrough of the game, I installed a mod for Revan’s face to resemble his appearance in The Old Republic to be more lore-friendly and I decided to name him “Keanu Reeves” because of the resemblance between him and Revan’s canonical appearance and thought it would be funny to play into the fact that people want him to play the character in live action.
So I’m wondering what you and others chose to name him when playing KOTOR.
I got this one and four other Star Wars books at Barnes and Noble today.
I just started. I’m about 50 pages in and it’s a pretty good read.
What are all of revan force powers I know of the thought bomb
Focre push
Foce pull
force lighting
and battle meditation but what other force abilities did he have