137 Votes in Poll
137 Votes in Poll
Happy Birthday to actress Kelly Marie Tran, who played Rose Tico in 2017's "Star Wars Episode VIII The Last Jedi" and in 2019's " Star Wars Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker"!
Exactly per the title. I really liked the sequels aside from certain specific things that made them horrible. Such as Han’s death, Luke’s death, the dumpy lightsaber combat, Rey’s character development and the insane scale of the New Order’s fleet. I also hated the names First Order and New Order it seems like they took 2 seconds to come up with it.
Other than that I feel like if these issues were reversed then it’s absolutely possible for the movies to live up to the Star Wars name.
Also i only just realised that Starkiller base is on Ilum?? I don’t know if ive been living under a rock or what but finding this out absolutely devastated me.
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167 Votes in Poll
Adam Driver who played Kylo Ren/Ben Solo in The Sequel Trilogy was once a member of The United States Marine Corps.
He is also the creator of "Arts In The Armed Forces", that brings plays and concerts to military bases.
Poe and Leia had a bit of mother/son relationship. Maybe after Ben turned to the dark side Leia started seeing Poe as a son figure since he had a lot in common with Han and that's why she liked him so much.
101 Votes in Poll
At the end of Episode IX of the Star Wars Saga, the Resistance triumphed over the First Order and the Final Order at the Battle of Exegol, restoring freedom to planets throughout the Galaxy. But this ending was far from the only possible outcome (from an in-universe standpoint). In this post, I will explore seven other possible endings, how they could have happened, and if they would have been good for the people of the Galaxy.
Ending One: Liberty Lives
Summary: The 1000 generation Galactic Republic breezes through the Clone Wars, defeating the Separatist menace and maintaining its democratic founding ideals.
How it could happen: The most obvious reason that this ending didn’t happen was Palpatine. However, he can’t be taken out of the equation before the Battle of Coruscant, for reasons I will explain on the next ending. Anyways, having Palpatine die in the office duel with Mace Windu should be sufficient. Or just keel over from a random heart attack while he is telling the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise.
Would it be good for the people of the Galaxy?: It would avoid 24 years of an oppressive dictatorship, two more galactic wars, and several needlessly destroyed planets. I think it goes without saying that this ending would be an improvement over the one that actually happened. But how much of an improvement would it be? That mostly depends on whether or not the Republic manages to fix the problems that caused the Clone Wars to happen in the first place such as Senate corruption, corporate overreach, and lack of good leadership. Palpatine was the main cause of these issues, but they won’t just magically vanish with his death as some people believe they would.
Ending Two: Confederate Conquest
Summary: Count Dooku’s Confederacy of Independent Systems decisively triumphs over the Galactic Republic, and establishes a New Galactic Order under the Separatist ideology. The Galaxy becomes dominated by corporate entities where Greed is Good and Credits are King.
How it could happen: For this ending, the main reason it didn’t happen is once again Palpatine. His control over Dooku was the reason that the Separatists held back and intentionally lost several key battles throughout the Clone Wars. Most importantly among these battles was the Battle of Coruscant. Rescinding Palpatine’s control over Dooku (either through Palpatine dying or through Dooku choosing to betray him) at any point before the Battle of Coruscant should be sufficient to make this ending happen. The Droid Army had an enormous number of battle droids and combat vehicles just lying around unused throughout the war. If the Confederacy of Independent Systems had chosen to fight the war in earnest, it would have crushed the Republic like a bug. However, getting rid of Palpatine after Coruscant would not result in this. The death of Dooku and the loss of such a massive number of warships meant that their chance for a full victory had evaporated after the battle.
Would it be good for the people of the Galaxy?: Unless you’re a billionaire capitalist, definitely not. A Separatist Galaxy would be a playground for the rich, where government positions could be literally purchased, and the vast, vast majority of people would barely have enough to survive. The natural environments of countless planets would get casually ravaged for the sake of profit, rendering them lifeless husks of rock.
Ending Three: A Republic Divided
Summary: After many years of fighting, the Republic and the Separatists sign a peace treaty marking the end of the Clone Wars, and recognizing both the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems as legitimate entities.
How it could happen: War weariness of the population (both military and civilian) is an often overlooked factor in how long a war can last. With the scope and scale of the Clone Wars, I would estimate that it would take between four and eight years for the populations of both sides to reach the point where a peace treaty must be signed. For the war to last this long, both Palpatine and a large chunk of the Droid Army/Separatist Fleet would have to be removed before the Battle of Coruscant.
Would it be good for the people of the Galaxy?: Possibly. It is unlikely that the Republic and the Separatists will immediately become allies after the end of the Clone Wars. A series of proxy wars will probably break out in the areas of space not directly controlled by either side, similar to the Cold War in real life. Hutt Space, the Unknown Regions and other areas could all become new, indirect battlegrounds for the two superstates. So in short, this ending would result in peace for many, but war for a few.
Ending Four: Long Live The Empire
Summary: Managing to defeat the Rebel Alliance, the Galactic Empire stays strong and intact. After a few generations, nobody is left to remember the days before the regime took power, and the people of the Galaxy accept their place as servants of the Empire.
How it could happen: There are a lot of ways that this could have occurred. Having the Rebels lose at the battles of Yavin or Endor are the most obvious. Having Han Solo not arrive (or just arrive too late) at Yavin would do it, as would having the Rebel strike team not finding or befriending the Ewoks at Endor.
Would it be good for the people of the Galaxy?: No. If I even have to explain this one to you, you are what is called a Fascist.
Ending Five: The Legends Ending
Summary: After the Galactic Civil War, the Rebel Alliance restores the Republic, but the Empire continues to exist as a legitimate state with its own territory. After teaming up to fight off many threats over the years, they reach a mutual understanding and agree to coexist peacefully, and the New Republic becomes the Galactic Alliance while the Imperial Remnant State becomes the Fel Empire.
How it could happen: It did happen (in Legends).
Would it be good for the people of the Galaxy?: While freedom for everyday people becomes more widespread in both the Galactic Alliance and the Fel Empire, it comes at the cost of many more deadly conflicts such as the Yuuzhan Vong Invasion, the Second Galactic Civil War, and the whole debacle with Abeloth. So in the short term no, but in the long term yes. And of course there is the slight complication of the rise of Darth Krayt’s Empire in the far future.
Ending Six: Empire Eradicated
Summary: Getting past its initial issues, the New Republic averts the rise of the First Order and the disenfranchisement of Outer Rim worlds. It remains the sole galactic power with undisputed hegemony.
How it could happen: The biggest mistake that the New Republic made was trying to immediately turn into a completely civilian government. If it had taken more time to ensure that the Imperial threat had been dealt with, the First Order could have been hunted down and the Final Order could have been nipped at the bud before it had the chance to really get off the ground.
Would it be good for the people of the Galaxy?: Prevention of the First Order-Resistance War would be a good thing obviously, but what exactly would the New Republic do with its uncontested rule? Probably not much. Sure, people would not be oppressed like they would under the Empire, but from what we have seen, the New Republic was pretty selective about helping out planets, and the standard of living would probably only go up marginally for the ordinary people. And with this version of the New Republic being a more militaristic regime, who’s to say that it wouldn’t take on some other aspects of the Empire it fought to destroy? I think that it could easily evolve into a society not unlike the one depicted in the novel Starship Troopers, a type of military democracy where voting is a privilege reserved for military personnel.
Ending Seven: Somehow, The Empire Returned
Summary: Steamrolling over both the New Republic and the Resistance, the First Order goes on to create the Second Galactic Empire, with Palpatine emerging from his hiding place on Exegol to become Emperor once more.
How it could happen: All that would really be necessary for this ending is for the Resistance to lose the Battle of Starkiller Base and get wiped on along with D’Qar.
Would it be good for the people of the Galaxy?: This outcome would basically just be Empire winning at Yavin/Endor but worse. The only real difference is that it happens thirty years later in the timeline, and would involve yet another destructive war occurring.
Anyways, those were my thoughts on how things could have gone differently for the Star Wars Galaxy. All of the scenarios I covered here were relatively tame in comparison to some of the crazier possible endings (like an Imperial Civil War or the Jedi taking over and forming a theocracy), so if people want to see me talk about my thoughts other, more out-there ways things could have gone, just say so!
140 Votes in Poll
I want to hear your thoughts about this. I was wondering, after Rise of Skywalker, what would happen to the Stromtroopers in the First Order?
Today is the birthday of actor Harrison Ford, who has played the smuggler turned hero Han Solo in the Star Wars Galaxy in the Orginal Trilogy (1977-1983) and the Sequel Trilogy (2015 and 2019).
105 Votes in Poll