Incredible show. Good Star Wars show. It’s nice to explore other parts of the galaxy and see how others lived after the fall of the empire. Good character development with mando and ig 11. Also RIP Kuiil. This is the way
Here me out in this..... Palpatine said in the movie that he had died once before, and that all the sith live in him now. So technically it’s just a bunch of sith using Palps body as a puppet. AND we know from the Aftermath book that Jar Jar is still alive after the battle of Endor. And considering a guncans life expectancy, Jar Jar is very likely still alive during the entire sequel trilogy. So... JAR JAR IS CONTROLLING PALPS. HE IS THE EMPEROR OF THE SITH ORDER. HE GOT DOWN WITH A CHICK AND MADE AND DUDE WHO MADE REY. REY HAS SOME SLIGHT RESEMBLANCE TO JAR JAR IF YOU PUT THEM NEXT TO EACH OTHER. In conclusion, “I’m Rey...... Rey Binks.”
This film did a great job with fan service. It felt a little bit rushed but that makes sense considering JJ was being forced to rebound off TLJ. Many online movie critics give it bad ratings due to the film being rushed and sporadic, but the fan reviews seem to be more optimistic. Overall, I thought it was a good movie to cap off the sequel trilogy.
A++. I loved everything about it. Gets you captivated right from the start. There are little references that major star wars fans will recognize but it’s also very open and welcoming to new fans. By the end of the episode I had forgotten it was a tv series, I thought I was watching a movie. Also there’s a HUGE excitement at the very end that I’m looking forward to learning more about in the coming episodes.
Who is the bounty hunter with ahsoka in the end of the trailer?????
Wait can we not say "Who would win Mace Windu or Anakin?"
YES by far
He probably did notice it, but the movie isn't gonna waste our time by showing us that Vader noticed R2. It would be pointless
Abednedo is a planet....
He's force sensitive and is skilled with the dark side of the force but he's not a sith. Look him up on this site it tells you
He's the supreme leader of the first order and he's not a sith
Darth Maul TPM
No I don't think he is force sensitive
Sometimes I try to force the remote to me when I'm in my living room. Sadly it's never worked