There are too many possibilities for me to do just a 6 option poll. theres darth maul, count dooku, jango fett, asajj ventress, general grievous, grand moff tarkin, jabba the hutt, kylo ren, captain phasma etc.
117 Votes in Poll
I would command droids, they would NEVER question my orders
Im ridiculously obsessed with the armor designs of stormtroopers/clones. out of these i love the shoretrooper the most, but it was tough
@Zadrot Skyrima grievous was a kaleesh, those didnt have 4 arms. it was his cyborg form that had those
117 Votes in Poll
@Crystal Vulptex Grievous would be awesome, it could be similar to anakin becoming vader. he would start as a normal kaleesh and the become a monstrous cyborg tutored by dooku. mas amedda would be a very interesting story since some talk of him always knowing the emperors plan
There are too many possibilities for me to do just a 6 option poll. theres darth maul, count dooku, jango fett, asajj ventress, general grievous, grand moff tarkin, jabba the hutt, kylo ren, captain phasma etc.
I always say that dooku became a sith, but he didnt become a bad person (except in the animated clone wars series which portrayed him HORRIBLY). he offered the jedi a chance to surrender in the battle of geonosis to end the fighting, he spared anakin and obi-wan after defeating them both in the hanger and hes always patiently defensive during duels as he waits for the enemies mistake. he became a sith because he saw the flaws in the jedi, but he didnt loose who he was like anakin did
All the death moments were really sad, but when a character like luke skywalker activated his lightsaber to wake up a scared ben solo i was heartbroken
@Crystal Vulptex yes i did, just edited my spelling 🤪
I crave a chagrian character! anyway they are used is always badass
How do you mean horrible? do you mean it like horrible for the plot? or horrible as in most evil and therefor badass?
@UndyingSoldier 1. sorry if i misunderstood. 2. what does PT stand for? 3. i had this kinda response before on other fandoms, when i say IF you could change ANYHING that means that A. you dont have to. and B. im talking about if you could do ANYTHING with your imagination to change the story to YOUR liking, no limitations. my opinion
@SagaSeeker ok, i actually feel kinda thick about not thinking about the birth of luke and leia. but i did actually say that obi-wan would still train anakin, then both anakin and obi-wan loose the same person who was close to both of them. i wouldnt get rid of shimi skywalker getting killed by tusken raiders as that was important. back to luke and leias birth, i wouldve given anakin a very disabled father character who dies in ep.1, but then give the whole "who was the mother? there wasnt one", it sounds stupid but this is sci-fi so do something bizarre with that and its the best i got for my mistake. lol
@UndyingSoldier i did say that padme can still be a character for him to vent to. he could talk to her about how qui-gonn was the only jedi who believed in him while the council dismisses him, even blaming obi-wan for "holding him back" (said in a more calm yet angry tone as he shows hes still trying to be the jedi he should be)
I personally wouldntve done the romance thing with padme, and anakin being scared of her death, (dont worry, id keep padme as a character 100%). but i think id keep qui-gonn around for the next movie (obi-wan still trains a less tatrumy anakin) and qui-gonn gets killed by dooku in ep.2, THIS is what sends anakin spiraling down. as qui-gonn had a great connection with anakin AND obi-wan, it shows the difference between the 2 that obi-wan can move on while palpatine capitalizes on anakins grief
As we know, i LOVE aliens. so a long time ago i researched alien sith (coming across tenebrous in the process) and i found a guy who was my FAVORITE species, chagrian, and he looked absolutely god like. his 2 lightsabers look like bones ripped from an animal, hes got the bright red skin with black tattoos getup, his master will scream orders in his face while he just looks back expressionless, and more. btw thanks for showing interest, i wouldnt have held it against you if you didnt respond
I know this might be a LITTLE unrelated, but as you seem to be someone who knows what theyre talking about, i would like your opinion on my favorite sith ever, darth wyyrlok III. i dont need a long answer if you do or do not know him. as good an answer as you want to give
I didnt know that! darth tenebrous is boss! doesnt surprise me that someone like him designed the scimitar but how did he "hide in plain site"
Darth tenebrous. for starters i LOVE alien characters, but i also loved how different he was in his views of the force as in a more scientific way. (darth nihilus is 2nd because, well, just look at him! hes MADE OF DARKNESS!)
Toydarians. small targets with free "jet-packs"