“Here’s the thing about opinions,
they’re all wrong unless they’re mine.”
- Mr Harry S. Plinkett
Everyone in Rebels.
It was Deak Starkiller.
I have a theory that the Imperial remnant want Yeetle, (the name I’m giving baby yoda) since they can live to 900 as a way of uncovering the secrets to a long lifespan so that the Emperor can be revived and live forever.
The Fives and Order 66 arc
Woah! That armour is hot! 🔥🔥🔥
I sure hope that they become canon!
Coleman Trebor
The A-wings from Return of the Jedi.
I never did care for Star Wars Rebels 🤢
Empire Strikes Back
Luke’s second one.
We’re fine, we’re all fine here now, thank you. How are you? 🤣🤣🤣
He doesn’t like you.
I’m sorry.
I don’t like you either! You just watch yourself, we’re wanted men! I have the death sentence on twelve systems!
I’ll be careful.
Y O U ‘ L L B E D E A D ! ! ! !
Darth Plagueis the Wise
All of the sand.
Are you kidding?! Do you know what ‘ageing’ is?
This fuels my rage.
Reading these comments makes me question why I’m part of this fandom.
Goodbye, you will not hear from me again.
RA-7 Protocol Droid.
Asteroid Field from The Empire Strikes Back.
Green 💚