Don't you think it's annoying people (who were complaining about it long before the premiere) act like "lesbian witches singing" was the only thing that happened in it? Because show had a lot more than that.
@Bonzane10 You're making some good points but I would like to point out that jedi were also flawed in this show, not straight up villains unlike some, they made a mistake and covered it up, still they're not the worst. As for sympathising siths I mean it's also not the first time, I mean Anakin wasn't straight up evil when he turned, Dooku also had some sympathetic moments, especially when it came to Qui-Gon. I also think the witches had no reason to treat jedi any other way, I mean in their eyes Jedi are the cult (and to be fair some of their rules are stupid), besides wasn't it made clear in the past that Jedi don't get along with other force using orders? Not to mention not all jedi were vilified.
But we're getting off the subject I was referring to the fact that some idiots summarise the show by using this one scene and call it a musical which is stupid, because even if the show is not good acting like there was nothing more in it is stupid and ignorant. I also think some of those people didn't even watch the show only other idiots who summarised it that way.
To be fair it wasn't the first time jedi were shown in a negative light.
I'm not even sure if those witches were even lesbians. I feel like relationship between Mae and Osha's mothers was professional, one created then and the other one was simply chosen to carry them, it didn't strike me as really romantic, but that's just me.
Don't you think it's annoying people (who were complaining about it long before the premiere) act like "lesbian witches singing" was the only thing that happened in it? Because show had a lot more than that.
The problem with sequels is that they didn't have a story planned from beginning to end.
I thought about adding good option but I realised it will be the same as ok
102 Votes in Poll
In my opinion it's good, but you should just watch it yourself if you want to form an opinion.
@Origami Yoda Nerd5 sequels were fun for the most part. Their biggest problem was the fact that they didn't have it planned out from the beginning to end. Palpatine return is the proof of that, if it wasn't for that it would've been great.
Everything, that's why I said projects.
Good choices.
Mine are:
The Mandalorian
The Bad Batch
@Anastasia Cousins really? I've heard that Holiday Special was really bad, but why Empire Strikes Back?
@Daisy Aipom exactly. We get good projects she didn't have anything to do with it. Bad projects all her fault. They also like to ignore that Lucas also didn't always make good decisions.
Because honestly I am. Tired of people blaming her for everything, every project they don't like or ignoring the good ones she worked on. It's tiresome, people say she ruined Star Wars but they've been saying that every time a new content appears. It's been like that since the prequels.
And that Rey spent years taking ships apart so she could've learned how to fix them?
Poe and Leia had a bit of mother/son relationship. Maybe after Ben turned to the dark side Leia started seeing Poe as a son figure since he had a lot in common with Han and that's why she liked him so much.
I just wanted to make the same kind of poll
@Joupena I understand. Sooner or later I'll have to upgrade my pc. I don't have to worry about it now, but eventually my computer won't be enough for new games requirements so I'll have to upgrade it.
172 Votes in Poll