84 Votes in Poll
84 Votes in Poll
The Sith as a belief relies on subjugation and violence and the ultimate supremacy of the dark side. This part of the force corrupts absolutely.... But that doesn't mean there aren't Sith that don't do any good. It's just that it's far more difficult. Still, Darth Vectivus is a prime example of a Sith who did no wrong. And Sith are capable of doing things for the common good even if it's ultimately for selfish reasons. Darth Krayt worked with Luke Skywalker to banish Abeloth, an ultimate evil of sorts from the galaxy. The Sith worked with the Jedi to destroy Darth Vitiate who had plans to consume the entire galaxy.
I'm reading it currently and while I'm only a few pages in I notice the prose is very imaginative and ethereal. The dialogue is strong and engaging. I get the feeling it's going to be a good read but I'm interested to hear what other people (especially the EU enthusiasts) think about the novel.
Josef Mengele levels of evil.
The Fel Empire helmet looks like the regular Stormtrooper sucked a lemon.
It's in the name. Necromancer. A reanimator of the dead.
Yes, It's relatively self-explanatory. The only prerequisite I would say is watch The Clone Wars and The Mandalorian Season 2 (and/or Ashoka). You definitely don't need to have seen either of those shows to enjoy TOTE
The first story focuses on Morgan Elsbeth, a character exclusive until now to the Live action Mandalorian adjacent shows.
The second story focuses on Barriss Offee who appeared as a background character in Attack of the Clones and as a bigger character in The Clone Wars.
Grievous cared for one thing only and that one thing trumped any other responsibility that he had:
Killing Jedi
He wants revenge for what happened to him and he blames it on the Jedi. He doesn't care about the CIS, the fact that he's a general is just a thing to him. He has no loyalty to them. Whether he is loyal to Palpatine is irrelevant as once the Jedi are gone Grievous will turn his rage to something else. Something Imperial perhaps.
Not to mention that Grievous is the face of all the atrocities the Seperatists commited. Having him gone is a valuable political boon for Palpatine.
Technically he already is or at least the Zahn Consortium is. Not every legends character needs a reintroduction into Canon as they just won't have the same levels of prominence in modern stories as the major ones have already been written. For example if you bring back Mara Jade you won't be able to do very much of her later life if at all.
Canon has some interesting crime lord type figures like Dryden Vos so it could work but only if he is included in a decent medium of storytelling.
My problem with Bo-Katan is that it feels like there is a disconnect between her animated Clone Wars self and the version we see in The Mandalorian. Her initial appearance in the Clone Wars portrayed her as a secondary antagonist to Pre Viszla and she was unequivocally a murderer and a terrorist. But she considerably mellows out in S7 and Rebels. Turning into some sort of leader figure.
In The Mandalorian we see or know very little of her past but in no mysterious sense. More so they don't want to communicate it to the audience and as such it feels like a more shallow version of the same character. As such it's confusing for fans when she is named Mandalore for the third time. So in terms of if the character deserves redemption? We need to solve that disconnect first because that's why people feel she is entitled but ask a fan who has only watched The Mandalorian. They'll likely have a different opinion about Bo-Katan compared to a Clone Wars fan.
After the New Republic and the second emergence of Galactic Militarism and Facism it is likely we will see a formation of a Canon variant of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances from Star Wars Legends.
The scream wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't so genuinely hilarious. It felt more like an Indiana Jones addition.
Please don't be Tech. Please let ONE character in Star Wars stay permanently dead.
If his appearence in Resistance was anything to go by then he is the quintessential example of the New Republic's corruption and inadequacy in human form. He believes in gaining more influence but also upholding the status quo of the newfound peace of the Republic. Unfortunately that means turning blind eyes towards legitimate problems.
Speculation wise: the New Jedi Order will be an adaptation of the NJO in Legends but modified with Rey's own experiences. Swapping out the Yuuzhan Vong for either Crime Syndicates or a Dark Side threat not related to the Sith.
My personal favourites are:
- Shadow of the Sith
- Star Wars: Bloodline
- The Rise of Kylo Ren
I love the Sequel related media outside of the Trilogy as it happens to be my favourite Canon material. Unfortunately the films themselves aren't quite on this list 😂
Do I like the idea of Palpatine returning? It's fun but honestly, I'd rather he didn't at all.
If he has to return like he did in Episode IX then I don't mind how he returned (i.e. transference) but I'd wish they'd bother to explain it in the film as then maybe it wouldn't have been as badly received.
Animation can accomplish so much more for less time and budget. As mentioned above the Lucasfilm track record for TV live action has been spotty to say the least and the overuse of the Volume can really make some sets look very cheap and artificial. Lucasfilm has very talented animation staff with a mighty good resume. Let them take the lead as they'd be up for the challenge.
Rey being too nice to be a Palpatine is somewhat besides the point. Sheev is a one-off in his own family being a delusional megalomaniacal psychopath with force powers. His "son" wasn't even fully him. A non-identical clone who didn't want anything to do with him. If anything Rey takes more after her Mother.
It can work for sure but Star Wars needs to make sure it's its own visual style that isn't just copying what is popular at the moment within fandoms.