86 Votes in Poll
Does anyone remember when people used to think that Barris was the Seventh Sister??
That was When Rebels was coming out and I was 13-14
I Have Waited too Long to Find out What Happened to her
For the most part it's one of my first franchises that I managed to get into, although it has disappointed me at times it's still one of my favorites
I'll Admit that I have waited too long to learn what happened to Barris
It's also very interesting that we're going to see the Grand Inquisitor again he was always one of my favorites from SWR
But With the way SW has been going as of late I am cautious
However With me when it comes to Animated SW there's only a little more Optimism
Most of these are probably where I would place these on my own SW Tier List
That is Only Most of These
Order 66 Hits the Hardest Out of All These
Anakin's Burning Comes Second
Looking at this photo I really can't tell but in my head I think it's
Saw Gererra (don't know how to spell the name)
Before I even watched anything SW related
some other kids at my school told me
They told me that they weren't lying when I asked if
Vader Was Really Luke's Father
I don't know how they're not going to retcon Dark Disciple
If It's Just To Tie The Loose End Of Ventress not making any Appearance
And they're just going to tell us the story of how she died
Which is going to be difficult considering that they're in a timeline where she's already dead
Unless this is either a flashback or that's not Ventress at all
10/10 I'm Sure That is same for everyone
I Suspected That Around the Start of the Second Season
Mine is of Ben Skywalker From SW Legends I'm Sure
86 Votes in Poll
I don't really hate him I know who he is I just don't know a lot about his character myself
4/5 I mean I guess he's a good character
To me, I guess he kinda just exists
She has actually been in quite a few shows I've seen from Agents of SHIELD to this franchise
I like them both
but George Lucas by a mile
The very good
loving two of my favorite characters 👍
Not much I can really say about this one not much of a character to me
This theory has been disproved and denied various times
I suppose it was nice to see you Ahsoka and Ezra see each other again but I'll be majorly disappointed if we don't see Ezra use his lightsaber at least once before the finale I know he hasn't used the lightsaber in at least 10 years but it would have been nice