I mean there are loop holes into selling star wars stuff made my fans (like games and stuff) bc I did it and they're chillin
Yea, what happened to it
I made it myself. Also, click
His chin tho 💀
I like his portrayal in 2003 clone wars
More information on random users on fandom... Hehehe lemme track u...
Lol they keep adding them, their like: one more can't hurt...
Eh, han might have known some binary but the language barrier was large
Finally, some reasonable favorite characters
It kinda varies, but i'd say "was" bc it sounds better lol
Luke (legends)
Oh yeah... I can't believe Disney actually killed some one (with a 36,000 degree blade that would cook you from the inside out and cause you're organs to stop working as a hole is burned through you) ☺️