Gandit olivat hyönteismäinen muukalaislaji, joka oli lähtöisin Gand-nimiseltä planeetalta. Gandeista saattoi erottaa kaksi erillistä alalajia, joista toisella oli keuhkot ja toisella ei ollut. Keuhkolliset gandit olivat tottuneet kotiplaneettansa ammoniakkiseen ilmakehään ja joutuivat käyttämään erityisiä hengitysvarusteita, jos tahtoivat liikkua erilaisissa ilmakehissä. Keuhkottomilla gandeilla oli erityinen kyky regeneroitua. Yksi tunnetuimmista gandeista oli palkkionmetsästäjä Zuckuss.
- Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 6: Commencement, Part 6
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
- Star Wars: The Old Republic
- Darth Maul: Saboteur
- Marked
- Star Wars: Republic: Rite of Passage
- Star Wars: Republic: The Battle of Jabiim
- Jedi: Yoda
- Star Wars: Republic: Show of Force
- Star Wars Dark Times: The Path to Nowhere
- The Force Unleashed romaani (Ainoastaan maininta)
- Underworld: The Yavin Vassilika
- Star Wars Missions 11: Bounty Hunters vs. Battle Droids
- Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game – Galactic Hunters
- Rookies: Rendezvous
- Tähtien sota: Episodi V- Imperiumin vastaisku romaani (Ensimmäinen esiintyminen)
- Tähtien sota: Episodi V - Imperiumin vastaisku
- Star Wars Infinities: The Empire Strikes Back
- Therefore I Am: The Tale of IG-88
- Of Possible Futures: The Tale of Zuckuss and 4-LOM
- Star Wars 50: The Crimson Forever
- Shadows of the Empire sarjakuva
- "Starter's Tale" - Star Wars Adventure Journal 4
- The Mandalorian Armor (Esiintyy takaumassa)
- Slave Ship
- Hard Merchandise
- X-wing: Rogue Squadron
- X-wing: Wedge's Gamble
- X-wing: The Krytos Trap
- X-wing: The Bacta War
- X-wing: Solo Command
- X-wing: Isard's Revenge
- Tatooine Ghost (Ainoastaan maininta)
- I, Jedi
- Star Wars: Union
- Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse
- Force Heretic III: Reunion
- Dark Nest I: The Joiner King (Ainoastaan maininta)
- Inferno (Ainoastaan maininta)
- Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back toy line
- A Guide to the Star Wars Universe
- Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back
- The Movie Trilogy Sourcebook
- Galaxy Guide 10: Bounty Hunters
- Wretched Hives of Scum & Villainy
- The Essential Guide to Characters
- No Disintegrations (Ainoastaan maininta)
- Star Wars Trilogy Sourcebook - Special Edition
- Star Wars: Behind the Magic
- Star Wars Encyclopedia
- Star Wars: Chronicles
- Alliance Intelligence Reports
- "Dagobah Limited" - Star Wars Customizable Card Game
- "Enhanced Jabba's Palace" - Star Wars Customizable Card Game
- Star Wars: The Visual Dictionary
- Star Wars: The Power of the Force (1995)
- Secrets of the Sisar Run
- Star Wars: The Action Figure Archive
- The Essential Guide to Alien Species
- Alien Anthology
- Malline:JKTCG
- Malline:JKTCG
- "How the Other Half Hunts" - Star Wars Gamer 6
- "Unusual Suspects" - Star Wars Gamer 6
- Rebellion Era Sourcebook
- "Harbingers of Doom" - Star Wars Gamer 7
- Star Wars Trading Card Game – Rogues and Scoundrels
- The New Essential Guide to Characters
- The Official Star Wars Fact File 50 (BOU13-14, Bounty Hunters - Zuckuss)
- The Official Star Wars Fact File 61 (BOU15-16, Bounty Hunters - Zuckuss)
- Star Wars Miniatures - Ultimate Missions: Rebel Storm
- The New Essential Chronology
- Star Wars: The Action Figure Archive
- Underworld: A Galaxy of Scum and Villainy
- Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary
- Star Wars Miniatures: Bounty Hunters
- Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide
- We Don't Need That Scum Wizards.comilla (artikkeli)
- Zuckuss datapankissa
- Malline:JKTCG
- "Ask Lobot" - Star Wars Insider 65
- "Padawan's Corner" - Star Wars Insider 99
- Star Wars: The Official Figurine Collection 54 (Ainoastaan maininta)
- Scum and Villainy
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
- Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game – Galactic Hunters (Card: Sith Death Mark) (Ainoastaan maininta)
- Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game – Galactic Hunters (Card: Mist Hunter) (Ainoastaan maininta)
- Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game – Galactic Hunters (Card: Zuckuss)
- Rebellion Era Campaign Guide
- The Essential Atlas
- Arkanian Chill Wizards.comilla (artikkeli)
- Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game – Champions of the Force (Card: Expedition Team Leader) (Ainoastaan maininta)
- Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game – Champions of the Force (Card: Asteroid Prospecting) (Ainoastaan maininta)