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C-3PO et Jabba

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From a Certain Point of View: Return of the Jedi est un recueil de nouvelles célébrant le quarantième anniversaire de la sortie de Star Wars épisode VI : Le Retour du Jedi au cinéma. Il fut publié le 29 août 2023 chez Random House Worlds aux États-Unis. Il fut adapté en livre audio aux États-Unis. Chaque histoire est racontée du point de vue d'un personnage secondaire de Star Wars épisode VI : Le Retour du Jedi.[1]


Ce recueil propose 40 nouvelles écrites par 40 auteurs, dont voici la liste :

Titre Auteur(s) Personnage(s)
"Any Work Worth Doing"[4] Amal El-Mohtar[1] Tiaan Jerjerrod[4]
"Fancy Man"[5] Phil Szostak[1] Max Rebo[5]
"The Key to Remembering"[6] Olivia Chadha[1] EV-9D9[6]
"Fortuna Favors the Bold"[7] Kwame Mbalia[1] Bib Fortuna[7]
"Dune Sea Songs of Salt and Moonlight"[8] Thea Guanzon[1] Jess[8]
"The Plan"[9] Saladin Ahmed[1] Malakili[1]
"Reputation"[10] Tara Sim[1] Boba Fett[10]
"Kickback"[11] K. Arsenault Rivera[1] Sion[11]
"Everyone's a Critic"[12] Sarah Glenn Marsh[1] Salacious B. Crumb[12]
"Satisfaction"[13] Kristin Baver[1] Sy Snootles[13]
"My Mouth Never Closes"[14] Charlie Jane Anders[1] Sarlacc[1]
"Kernels and Husks"[15] Jason Fry[1] Sim Aloo[15]
"The Light That Falls"[16] Akemi Dawn Bowman[1] Bright-Eyes[16]
"From a Certain Point of View"[17] Alex Jennings[1] Obi-Wan Kenobi[17]
"No Contingency"[18] Fran Wilde[1] Mon Mothma[1]
"The Burden of Leadership"[19] Danny Lore[1] Lando Calrissian[19]
"Gone to the Winner's Circle"[20] Patricia A. Jackson[1] TK-151[20]
"One Normal Day"[21] Mary Kenney[1] Wicket W. Warrick[1]
"Divine (?) Intervention"[22] Paul Crilley[1] Logray[22]
"The Buy-In"[23] Suzanne Walker[1] Norra Wexley[23]
"The Man Who Captured Luke Skywalker"[24] Max Gladstone[1] Altadan Igar[24]
"Ackbar"[25] Jarrett Krosoczka[1] Gial Ackbar[25]
"The Impossible Flight of Ash Angels"[26] Marieke Nijkamp[1] Arvel Crynyd[26]
"Ending Protocol"[27] Hannah Whitten[1] RZ-440 "Riz"[27]
"The Last Flight"[28] Ali Hazelwood[1] Sila Kott[28]
"Twenty and Out"[29] Lamar Giles[1] Corr Lerrann[29]
"The Ballad of Nanta"[30] Sarah Kuhn[1] Nanta[30]
"Then Fall, Sidious"[31] Olivie Blake[1] Dark Sidious[1]
"Impact"[32] Sean Williams[1] Kasva Jhoff[32]
"Trooper Trouble"[33] Laura Pohl[1] TK-423[33]
"To the Last"[34] Dana Schwartz[1] Firmus Piett[34]
"The Emperor's Red Guards"[35] Gloria Chao[1] Un Garde royal de l'Empereur[35]
"Wolf Trap"[36] Alyssa Wong[1] Hoyel[36]
"The Extra Five Percent"[37] M. K. England[1] Karie Neth[37]
"When Fire Marked the Sky"[38] Emma Mieko Candon[1] Wedge Antilles[38]
"The Chronicler"[39] Danielle Paige[1] Dora Mar[39]
"The Veteran"[40] Adam Lance Garcia[1] Dexter Jettster[40]
"Brotherhood"[41] Mike Chen[1] Anakin Skywalker[1]
"The Steadfast Soldier"[42] Adam Christopher[1] Enric Pryde[42]
"Return of the Whills"[43] Tom Angleberger[1] Des Gardiens des Whills[43]



Galerie de couvertures[]


Notes et références[]

  1. 1,00 1,01 1,02 1,03 1,04 1,05 1,06 1,07 1,08 1,09 1,10 1,11 1,12 1,13 1,14 1,15 1,16 1,17 1,18 1,19 1,20 1,21 1,22 1,23 1,24 1,25 1,26 1,27 1,28 1,29 1,30 1,31 1,32 1,33 1,34 1,35 1,36 1,37 1,38 1,39 1,40 1,41 1,42 1,43 1,44 1,45 1,46 1,47 et 1,48 StarWars A Rebel Celebration on the Cover of From a Certain Point of View: Return of the Jedi – Exclusive Reveal sur
  2. TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “We’re indebted to @christrevas for all of his amazing work creating art for #FromaCertainPOVReturns and for the entire #FACPOV trilogy!”
  3. TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “UPDATE: #FromACertainPointOfView: #ReturnOfTheJedi is coming out a bit earlier and will now hit shelves on August 29. Preorder your copy here:”
  4. 4,0 et 4,1 TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “Most people cower under the specter of Darth Vader. As the Death Star nears completion, Moff Jerjerrod intends to thrive in it. #FromaCertainPOVReturns @tithenai”
  5. 5,0 et 5,1 TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “Band on the run. #FromaCertainPOVReturns @philszostak”
  6. 6,0 et 6,1 TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “EV-9D9 has many problems, but remembering isn’t one of them. #FromaCertainPOVReturns @oliviachadha”
  7. 7,0 et 7,1 TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “Bib Fortuna’s job wouldn’t be so bad, if it weren’t for his boss. #FromaCertainPOVReturn @ksekoum”
  8. 8,0 et 8,1 TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “Everybody ends up at Jabba's Palace for a different reason. The trick is getting out alive. #FromaCertainPOVReturns”
  9. TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “A boy and his rancor. #FromaCertainPOVReturns @saladinahmed”
  10. 10,0 et 10,1 TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “Just a simple man making his way through the galaxy. #FromaCertainPOVReturns @EachStarAWorld”
  11. 11,0 et 11,1 TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “Caught between a Sarlaac and a high kick. #FromaCertainPOVReturns @ArsenaultRivera”
  12. 12,0 et 12,1 TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “The secret history of Salacious B. Crumb, revealed, in his own words. #FromaCertainPOVReturns @SG_Marsh”
  13. 13,0 et 13,1 TwitterLogo @laughing_place (Laughing Place) sur Twitter. “For "From a Certain Point of View: #ReturnOfTheJedi," @KristinBaver will be writing about the character of Sy Snootles from the Max Rebo Band. Her story will be called "Satisfaction." #StarWarsCelebration”
  14. TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “Everyone always asks what is the Sarlacc? But never, how is the Sarlacc? #FromaCertainPOVReturns @charliejane”
  15. 15,0 et 15,1 TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “Advancement, Status, Power. An Imperial craves all of these things. #FromaCertainPOVReturns @jasoncfry”
  16. 16,0 et 16,1 TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “Through the Force, all things are connected. The tree, the rock, and the dragonsnake. #FromaCertainPOVReturns”
  17. 17,0 et 17,1 YouTube Lucasfilm Publishing: Stories from a Galaxy Far, Far Away . . . | Panel | San Diego Comic-Con 2023 sur la chaîne YouTube de Penguin Random House
  18. TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “Mon Mothma has always been willing to take the next chance for the Rebellion. On and on until they win...or the chances are spent. #FromaCertainPOVReturns @fran_wilde”
  19. 19,0 et 19,1 TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “Lando Calrissian has been called many things in life. But “hero” might take some getting used to. #FromaCertainPOVReturns @weredawgz”
  20. 20,0 et 20,1 TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “A former racing champion turned scout trooper faces the competition of his life. #FromaCertainPOVReturns @Treistan”
  21. TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “All Wicket the Ewok wants is good food, a warm hearth, and one quiet day away from adventure. He won’t get it. #FromaCertainPOVReturns @marykanpie”
  22. 22,0 et 22,1 TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “More Ewoks? More Ewoks! #FromaCertainPOVReturns @paulcrilley”
  23. 23,0 et 23,1 TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “Find someone who looks at you the way Norra Wexley looks at a Y-wing. #FromaCertainPOVReturns @suzusaur”
  24. 24,0 et 24,1 TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “A chance encounter on the forest moon of Endor. #FromaCertainPOVReturns @maxgladstone”
  25. 25,0 et 25,1 TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “It's a...COMIC! #FromaCertainPOVReturns @StudioJJK”
  26. 26,0 et 26,1 TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “Green Leader, standing by. #FromaCertainPOVReturns @mariekeyn”
  27. 27,0 et 27,1 TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “You can shed your armor or relinquish your blaster. But change is a choice. #FromaCertainPOVReturns”
  28. 28,0 et 28,1 TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “Fly with vibrant joy. #FromaCertainPOVReturns @EverSoAli”
  29. 29,0 et 29,1 TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “A Death Star gunner’s last week on the job. What could go wrong? #FromaCertainPOVReturns @LRGiles”
  30. 30,0 et 30,1 TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “Have you ever heard the Ballad of Nanta? Once you do, you won’t soon forget it. #FromaCertainPOVReturns @sarahkuhn”
  31. TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “The galaxy never chose Palpatine. Instead, he called for triumph and the stars themselves obliged. #FromaCertainPOVReturns @OlivieBlake”
  32. 32,0 et 32,1 TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “Moments before disaster. #FromaCertainPOVReturns”
  33. 33,0 et 33,1 TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “What the Death Star really needs is a complaint department (and better caf). #FromaCertainPOVReturns @onlybylaura”
  34. 34,0 et 34,1 TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “Failure: when your best just isn’t good enough. #FromaCertainPOVReturns”
  35. 35,0 et 35,1 TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “What is an Empire without its Emperor? #FromaCertainPOVReturns @gloriacchao”
  36. 36,0 et 36,1 TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “If you go down in the woods today, you're sure of a big surprise. If you go down in the woods today, you'd better go in disguise. For every bear that ever there was will gather there for certain because… #FromaCertainPOVReturns @crashwong”
  37. 37,0 et 37,1 TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “How to Attack the Death Star in 7 Easy Steps: 1. Find your gear 2. Attend the briefing 3. Check your X-wing 4. Fly 5. Survive 6. Tell that girl you love her 7. Make Step 6 Step 1
    #FromaCertainPOVReturns @mk_england”
  38. 38,0 et 38,1 TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “Everyone tells Wedge Antilles that he’s lucky. But Wedge knows the truth. It’s so much worse than that. #FromaCertainPOVReturns @EmmaCandon”
  39. 39,0 et 39,1 TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “The Empire does not anyone to remember the truth of their deeds. The Chroniclers of the Rebellion seek the opposite. #FromaCertainPOVReturns @daniellempaige”
  40. 40,0 et 40,1 TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “Help me Dexter Jettster, you're my only hope. #FromaCertainPOVReturns @AdamLanceGarcia”
  41. TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “This is how it feels to be Anakin Skywalker, once again. #FromaCertainPOVReturns @mikechenwriter”
  42. 42,0 et 42,1 TwitterLogo @laughing_place (Laughing Place) sur Twitter. “.@cavanscott will be writing about Enric Pryde, and that story is entitled "The Steadfast Soldier." #FromACertainPointOfView #ReturnOfTheJedi #StarWarsCelebration #LucasfilmPublishing”
  43. 43,0 et 43,1 TwitterLogo @DelReyStarWars (Del Rey) sur Twitter. “Where there’s a Whill, there’s always a way. #FromaCertainPOVReturns”