Esistono molti videogiochi disponibili per il Personal Computer:
- Star Wars: Battlefront
- Star Wars: Battlefront II
- Star Wars: Dark Forces
- Star Wars: Empire at War
- Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption
- Star Wars: Episode I: Battle for Naboo
- Star Wars: Episode I Racer
- Star Wars Episode I: The Gungan Frontier
- Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
- Star Wars: Force Commander
- Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds
- Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns
- Star Wars Galaxies
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
- Star Wars: Rebel Assault
- Star Wars: Rebel Assault II: The Hidden Enemy
- Star Wars: Republic Commando
- Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
- Star Wars: Starfighter
- Star Wars: The Arcade Game
- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II
- Star Wars: The Old Republic
- Star Wars: TIE Fighter
- Star Wars: X-Wing
- Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance
- Star Wars: X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter