Dawn of Rebellion is een RPG supplement van Fantasy Flight Games dat is uitgegeven in april 2018. Het staat los van de grote campagnes en bevat informatie over Rogue One en Star Wars: Rebels.
- Foreword
- Welcome to the Rebellion!
- The State of the Galaxy
- Life under the Galactic Empire
Chapter I: Worlds in Revolt[]
Chapter II: Organizations[]
- The Empire
- The Rebellion
- Independent Organizations
Chapter III: Player Options[]
- New Species: Drabatan, Gigoran, Iakaru en Tognath
- New Universal Specializations
- New skills
- New talents
- New weapons
- New Droids
- New vehicles
- New starships
Chapter IV: Game Master Support[]
- Campaigns as Seasons
- Antagonist Development
- Rebel Cells in Campaigns