HoloNet News Volume 531 #47 was een editie van HoloNet News, uitgegeven op 13:3:14.
- Corellia Closes Borders
- Senate Approves Transit Tax
- Point / Counterpoint: Military Creation Act
- Currency Upheavals Deliver Profits to IBC
- XTS Cleared in Freighter Explosion
- Groundquakes Hit Berchest Cities
- Squibs Announce They're "Going Nowhere"
- Scientists: Demophon Supernova Imminent
- New Jedi Starfighter Unveiled
- Baby Ludi Holos Flood UoC Datanet
- Coruscant Eliminated in Galactic Cup Opening Round
- Yet Another Greenputt League
- Funding Smashed for General Ministry Institutes
- Dean of Aldera Suspended
- Valorum & Gunray Bracket Ends of Book Sales
- New Xim Exhibit on Tour
- Yarua to Tikkes: "Ruuarraararagh!" (NEWS D3)
- Local Man Ruins Everything (REGIONAL D11)
- The Outer Rim: Should We Care? (EDITORIAL G44)
- Aayla Secura, Jedi Knight
- Adi Gallia, Jedi Master
- Alreeda Tion-Hyme, Director van het Allied Tion Historical Society
- Argee Beck, econoom
- Aris-Del Wari, "Baby Ludi"
- Bail Organa, Senator van Alderaan
- Bronwynn Koft, Vice President van Galaxy Tours
- Bortis, speler in de Non-Sentient Professional Greenputt Tour
- Cheelka, Head van het Mrlsst Center for Linguistic Studies
- Dalus Othona, Provost aan de University of Aldera
- Deakis Ronse, Cosmology Professor aan de University of Sanbra
- Ebareebaveebeedee, konining van Skor II
- Edcel Bar Gane, Senator van Roona
- Eeshrin Ot'Hyne, Senator van Caamas
- Eridan Lanclo, handelaar
- Finis Valorum, voormalig Supreme Chancellor van de Galactic Republic
- Garm Bel Iblis, Senator van Corellia
- Halcor Raystel, Dean van de University of Aldera
- Ister Paddie, Senator van Sermeria
- Jipoly Numifolis, team-captain bij Team Coruscant
- Kerlay Utanks, handelaar
- Kikipi, koning van Toong'L
- Lasro Javeq, Junior Operations Manager bij Xizor Transport Systems
- Lo Vapeet, Vice Chair of Communication van de InterGalactic Banking Clan
- Lora Besh, auteur Gunray on Top
- Mace Windu, Jedi Master
- Nute Gunray, Viceroy van de Trade Federation
- Onila Richblum, speler bij Team Yag'Dhul
- Orn Free Taa, Senator van Ryloth
- Palpatine, Supreme Chancellor van de Galactic Republic
- Risi Lenoan, Senator van Kuat
- Rudig Stinwise, fabriekswerker
- San Hill, Chairman van de InterGalactic Banking Clan
- Shyla Merricope, Diktat van Corellia
- Terrinald Screed, Republic Judicial
- Tikkes, Senator van Mon Calamari
- Tobbert Dalonbian, President van de ExGal Society
- Walex Blissex, Project Engineer Lead van Kuat Drive Yards
- Xim the Despot, despoot uit het pre-Republic tijdperk
- Xizor, Chairman van Xizor Transport Systems
- Yarua, Senator van Kashyyyk
- Aargau
- Alderaan: Aldera, Delaya
- Berchest: Calius Saj Leelo, Sanctum Arcti
- Brentaal: Cormond Museum of Arts
- Caamas
- Cerea: Tecave City
- Chandrila: Hanna Institute of Antiquities
- Corellia: Coronet
- Coruscant: BlasTech Gikosphere, Jedi Temple, Senate Rotunda, Uni-Cor Campus
- Demophon: Byrne City
- Esseles: Calamar, Darpa Center of History
- Fondor: Fondor Academy of Engineering and Design
- Fwillsving: Svitalos
- Kamparas: Jedi Training Center
- Kinyen
- Kothlis
- Kuat: Kuat Drive Yards
- Kubindi
- Lianna: Lola Curich
- Manda: Aroo, Baobab Merchant Fleet Complex
- Mon Calamari
- Mrlsst: Mrkeesh, Mrlsst Center for Linguistic Studies
- Muunilinst: Munn City
- Naboo
- Ord Mantell
- Raltiir: Cambriele Exploration Auditorium
- Rhinnal: Rhire Concourse of Humanity and History
- Roona
- Ryloth
- Sanbra
- Sermeria
- Skor II: Metrobig City
- Toong'L
- Tralus
- Virujansi
- Vontor
- Yag'Dhul
- Battle of Naboo
- Galactic Cup
- Grand Proclamation
- Great Sith War
- Kanz Disorders
- Military Creation Act Vote
- Separatist Crisis
- Stark Hyperspace War
- Third Battle of Vontor
- Virujansi Uprising
- Wocket Festival