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Star Wars Wiki
Star Wars Miniatures: Knights of the Old Republic

Wizards of the Coast




Ook te gebruiken bij RPG






Darth Malak, Dark Lord of the Sith


Gungan Shieldbearer




T1 Series Bulk Loader Droid

Quote: "During the era of the Old Republic, Jedi battle against Sith Lords, Mandalorian warriors raid Outer Rim worlds, and the Republic struggles to fight off enemies at every turn. This is the time of the Knights of the Old Republic campaign, and it is one of the most exciting periods in all Star Wars continuity."
-- Wizards of the Coast

Legacy of the Force is de elfde set die het Star Wars Miniatures spel van Wizards of the Coast met 60 miniaturen uitbreidt. De set is gedeeltelijk gebaseerd op de comics en games van Knights of the Old Republic.



  • 7 Random figuren


# Naam Factie Waarde
01/60 Atton Rand Old Republic Very Rare
02/60 Bao-Dur Old Republic Rare
03/60 Carth Onasi Old Republic Very Rare
04/60 Juggernaut War Droid Old Republic Common
05/60 Master Lucien Draay Old Republic Very Rare
06/60 Mira Old Republic Very Rare
07/60 Old Republic Captain Old Republic Uncommon
08/60 Old Republic Guard Old Republic Common
09/60 Squint Old Republic Very Rare
10/60 Visas Marr Old Republic Rare
11/60 Wookiee Elite Warrior Old Republic Common
12/60 Wookiee Trooper Old Republic Common
13/60 Darth Malak, Dark Lord of the Sith Sith Order Very Rare
14/60 Darth Sion Sith Order Very Rare
15/60 Elite Sith Trooper Sith Order Uncommon
16/60 Sith Assassin Sith Order Uncommon
17/60 Sith Guard Sith Order Common
18/60 Sith Heavy Assault Droid Sith Order Uncommon
19/60 Sith Marauder Sith Order Uncommon
20/60 Sith Operative Sith Order Common
21/60 Sith Trooper Captain Sith Order Uncommon
22/60 Captain Panaka Galactic Republic Rare
23/60 Captain Tarpals Galactic Republic Rare
24/60 Gungan Artillerist Galactic Republic Common
25/60 Gungan Shieldbearer Galactic Republic Uncommon
26/60 Gungan Soldier Galactic Republic Common
27/60 Jar Jar Binks Galactic Republic Very Rare
28/60 Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padawan Galactic Republic Very Rare
29/60 Supreme Chancellor Palpatine Galactic Republic Rare
30/60 Han Solo, Smuggler Rebel Alliance Rare
31/60 Leia Organa, Senator Rebel Alliance Very Rare
32/60 Luke Skywalker, Jedi Rebel Alliance Rare
33/60 Darth Vader, Scourge of the Jedi Galactic Empire Rare
34/60 RA-7 Death Star Protocol Droid Galactic Empire Uncommon
35/60 General Wedge Antilles New Republic Rare
36/60 ASN Assassin Droid Fringe Uncommon
37/60 Boma Fringe Uncommon
38/60 Czerka Scientist Fringe Common
39/60 Echani Handmaiden Fringe Common
40/60 GenoHaradan Assassin Fringe Common
41/60 Jarael Fringe Rare
42/60 Jawa Scout Fringe Common
43/60 Jolee Bindo Fringe Very Rare
44/60 Juhani Fringe Very Rare
45/60 Kreia Fringe Very Rare
46/60 Massiff Fringe Uncommon
47/60 Mission Vao Fringe Rare
48/60 Rakghoul Fringe Uncommon
49/60 Shyrack Fringe Uncommon
50/60 T1 Series Bulk Loader Droid Fringe Uncommon
51/60 T3-M4 Fringe Rare
52/60 Tusken Raider Scout Fringe Common
53/60 Zaalbar Fringe Rare
54/60 Zayne Carrick Fringe Rare
55/60 Mandalore the Ultimate Mandalorian Very Rare
56/60 Mandalorian Captain Mandalorian Uncommon
57/60 Mandalorian Commando Mandalorian Common
58/60 Mandalorian Marauder Mandalorian Common
59/60 Mandalorian Quartermaster Mandalorian Uncommon
60/60 Mandalorian Scout Mandalorian Common

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