The Package | |
Scenariusz | Ryan Kaufman |
Rysunki | Matthew Fillbach & Shawn Fillbach |
Kolory | Pamela Rambo |
Wydanie USA | Dark Horse Comics, 2005 Clone Wars Adventures Volume 3 |
Ilość stron | 20 |
Cykl | Clone Wars Adventures |
Epoka | Era Powstania Imperium |
Linia czasowa: | 21 BBY |
The Package, to komiks z serii komiksowej Clone Wars Adventures wydany w 2005 roku w zbiorze komiksów Clone Wars Adventures Volume 3.
Clone Wars Adventures
Blind Force | Heavy Metal Jedi | Fierce Currents | Skywalkers | Hide in Plain Sight | Run Mace Run | Rogue's Gallery | The Package | A Stranger in Town | One Battle | Another Fine Mess | The Brink | Orders | Descent | What Goes Up... | Bailed Out | Heroes on Both Sides | The Order of Outcasts | It Takes a Thief | The Drop | To the Vanishing Point | Means and Ends | Creature Comfort | Spy Girls | Impregnable | This Precious Shining | Versus | Old Scores | One of a Kind | Pathways | Appetite for Adventure | Salvaged | Life Below | No Way Out | Graduation Day | Thunder Road | Chain of Command | Waiting
Wydanie zbiorcze:
Clone Wars Adventures Volume 1 | Clone Wars Adventures Volume 2 | Clone Wars Adventures Volume 3 | Clone Wars Adventures Volume 4 | Clone Wars Adventures Volume 5 | Clone Wars Adventures Volume 6 | Clone Wars Adventures Volume 7 | Clone Wars Adventures Volume 8 | Clone Wars Adventures Volume 9 | Clone Wars Adventures Volume 10
Źródła informacji
Filmy i seriale | Filmy dokumentalne | Publikacje encyklopedyczne
Powieści | Powieści młodzieżowe | Opowiadania | Audio | Gry wideo | Komiksy
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Zbiory opowiadań | Gry towarzyskie | Pozostałe materiały