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Acest articol se referă la prima bătălie ce a avut loc pe Geonosis. Pentru alte subiecte, vedeţi Bătălia de pe Geonosis (dezambiguizare).
  • Misiunea către Tatooine[1]
  • Urmărirea din orbita Geonosis
  • Raidul pe Nava-Bază
  • A doua bătălie de pe Lok
  • Bătălia de pe Platforma Orbitală Kaer (Campania Decimatorului)[2]
  • Bătălia de pe Atraken
  • Bătălia de pe Lunile lui Bogden
  • Misiunea către Bakura
Prima Bătălie de pe Geonosis
300px-Attack of the clones 4

Criza Separatistă/Războiul Clonelor[1]


22 ÎBY[3]



  • Victoria à la Pirus a Republicii/Jedi-ilor[1]
    • Criza Separatistă se termină./Începe Războiul Clonelor[1]
    • Anakin Skywalker trece de Testul Trupului[4]
    • Partea întunecată a Contelui Dooku este dezvăluită[1]
  • 212 Jedi[1]
  • 1 Senator
  • 192,000 clone[8]
    • Escadrila de nave de luptă 127
    • Corpul 327
      • Batalionul Hawkbat
        • Compania K
  • 10,000 Comandouri de Clone
    • Plutonul Aiwha-3[9]
    • Plutonul Bravo[9]
    • Plutonul Delta[7]
    • Plutonul Gamma[9]
    • Plutonul Theta[10]
  • Comandouri Avansate de Recunoaștere Clasa Null[9]
  • Blastere cu cadență rapidă EWHB-12[7]
  • Blaster cu cadenţă rapidă E-Web[10]
  • Speedere 74-Z
  • Speedere aeriene Gaba-18[11]
  • Tanc de luptă Clasa Sabie TX-130[12]
  • Transportoare Republicane de Clone[12]
  • 2,160 AT-TE walkers[8]
  • 100 Unităţi de artilerie SPHA-T[8]
  • 1,600 Nave de luptă LAAT/i[8]
  • 400 Nave de luptă LAAT/c[8]
  • Interceptor Uşor Clasa Aethersprite[5]
  • Prototip de Luptător Stelar Torrent V-19
  • Sharp Spiral[5]
  • 12 Nave de asalt Acclamator Clasa I pe câmpul de luptă,[8] 33 în orbită
  • 3 Crucişătoare Mere[5]
  • 3 Luptătoare stelare G-400 [5]
  • Havoc[5]
  • 1 Lord Sith[1]
  • 1 războinic Mandalorian [1]
  • 1 cyborg Kaleesh[7]
  • Geonosieni[1]
    • Elite Geonosiene[7]
  • Cca. 1 million droizi de luptă B1 în luptă[8]
  • Cca. 3.96 million droizi de luptă B1 pe Navele de linie Clasa Lucrehulk
  • 100,000 superdroizi de luptă B1[8]
  • 3,000 Droideka Seria W[8]
  • 15,000 Droizi DSD1 păianjen pitic[8]
  • Droizi A-DSD păianjen pitic Avansat[7]
  • Tancuri de Asalt Blindate[12]
  • Droid de întărire NR-N99 clasa Persuader
  • 7,500 Droizi păianjen OG-9[8]
  • 4,100 Tancuri droid IG-227 Clasa Hailfire[8]
  • Tancuri Blindate de Teren[12]
  • 3 Nave Sith[12]
  • Single Trooper Aerial Platforms[12]
  • 1 Flitknot speeder[1]
  • 4[13] LR1K sonic cannons
  • Vulture-class droid starfighters[12]
  • 4 Dark Acolytes
  • Nantex-class starfighters[1]
  • Sabaoth Squadron[5]
    • 3 Sabaoth destroyers[5]
      • Reaver
    • Sabaoth Fighters[5]
    • Sabaoth Defenders[5]
    • 12 Hex Bombers[5]
    • 8 Hex Deployers[5]
    • Cavik Toth's starfighter[5]
  • 41 Diamond-class cruisers[8]
  • Banking Clan Transports
  • 286 Hardcell-class transports[8]
  • 60 Lucrehulk-class Core Ships[8]
  • Lucrehulk-class battleships[1]
  • C-9979 landing craft[8]
  • Trade Federation Missile Frigates[5]
  • Soulless One[7]
  • 1 Punworcca 116-class interstellar sloop[1]
  • Separatist cruiser[7]
  • 3 Chameleon droids
  • Geonosian-trained acklays and nexus
  • 3 Anti-orbital cannons
"This is just the beginning!"
"Acesta este doar începutul!"
Contele Dooku[src]

Prima Bătălie de pe Geonosis, cunoscută mai bine sub denumirea de Bătălia de pe Geonosis, a fost prima bătălie dintre Confederaţia Sistemelor Independente şi Republica Galactică în conflictul care avea să fie cunoscut sub numele de Războiul Clonelor. Avea să fie prima bătălie majoră a Mareii Armate a Republicii, dar şi prima luptă majoră a cavalerilor Jedi după mulți ani. Avea să fie bătălia care a declanşat unul din cele mai faimoase războaie din istoria galactică.


"More happening on Geonosis, I feel, than has been revealed."
"Mai multe lucruri se întâmplă pe Geonosis, simt, decât s-a dezvăluit."

În anull 22 ÎBY ( Înaintea Bătăliei de la[http:// Yavin Yavin] ), Galactică Republica Galactică era în mijlocul unei crize. Mii de stelare sisteme stelare și conglomerate, dintre care și:[http:// Federația de Comerț Federația de Comerț], Bancare InterGalactice Clanurile Bancare InterGalactice, Tehnică Uniunea Tehnică, Comercianților Ghilda Comercianților și Corporatistă Alianța Corporatistă, s-au separat și au intrat în[http:// Confederația Sistemelor Independente Confederația Sistemelor Independente], sub îndrumarea fostului[http:// jedi jedi] Dooku Contele Dooku , în timp ce atacuri teroriste loveau planeta-capitală Coruscant ( pronunție : Corăsant). Senatul Republicii a planificat, în acel an, o întâlnire pentru a discuta Creației Militare Actul Creației Militare.Dar, cu trei luni înainte de vot, confruntări violente au avut loc între locuitorii planetelor și între cele două guverne opuse, în timp ce de Eliberare a Refugiaților  Mișcarea de Eliberare a Refugiaților  a încercat să ajute unde a fost posibil.

În ziua votului, senatoarea Amidala Padmé Amidala,de pe Naboo, a ajuns pe Coruscant pentru a vota împotriva Actului, dar s-a confruntat cu o de asasinare tentativă de asasinare. În urma incidentului, i-au fost atribuiți protectori jedi -      [http:// Obi-Wan Kenobi  Obi-Wan Kenobi] și tânărul său padawan, Skywalker  Anakin Skywalker . Kenobi s-a luat după urma toxice săgeții toxice care i-a sfârșit viața asasinului, în timp ce Skywalker a escortat-o pe senataore înapoi pe Naboo.

Kenobi a urmărit pontul dat de prietenul său,[http:// Dexter Jettser Dexter Jettser], până pe planeta Kamino, care a fost ștearsă din jedi Arhivele jedi de forțe neștiute. Acolo a descoperit că, zece ani acum zece ani , jedi Syfo Dias maestrul jedi Syfo-Dias a plasat o comandă pentru o de clone armată de clone . În timpul turului, l-a cunoscut pe de recompense Jango Fett vânătorul de recompense Jango Fett . Kenobi a raportat înapoi la jedi Consiliul jedi și s-a decis să-l cerceteze pe Fett, suspectând că era implicat în tentativa de asasinare. Cei doi s-au bătut pe o platformă de aterizare, iar Kenobi a putut să planteze un[http:// dispozitiv de localizare dispozitiv de localizare] pe lui Fett nava lui Fett.

În drumul său spre Geonosis, Dooku a codificat un mesaj pentru[http:// generalul Sevʼrance Tann generalul Sevʼrance Tann], în care i-a spus că a prevăzut o mare bătălie ce era pe cale să aibă loc. De asemenea, i-a comandat acesteia să se pregătească pentru rapida lui plecare.

Kenobi l-a urmărit pe Fett pe Geonosis. Nava lui de-abia a evitat o torpilă teleghidată și a aterizat pe suprafața planetei. S-a strecurat într-o facilitate și a văzut o întâlnire a liderilor separatiștilor  separatiști, unde este dezvăluit că Nute Gunray viceregele Nute Gunray al de Comerț Federației de Comerț a fost în spatele tentativei de asasinare a Amidalei. Kenobi i-a raportat Consiliului jedi, dar a fost prins de distrugători droizi distrugători. Semnalul său a fost redirecționat prin nava  Amidalei pe Tatooine, unde ea și Skywalker au călătorit, având o încercare eșuată de-a o salva pe mama lui. Întte timp, Dooku s-a întâlnit cu captivul Kenobi pentru a încerca să-l atragă de partea lui, dezvăluind chiar că evenimentele de pe Naboo, cu ani în urmă,  au fost, de fapt, orchestrate de un lord sith numit Sidious Darth Sidious și a insinuat și că Sidious era dintre oficialii de rang înalt unul dintre oficialii de rang înalt din guvernul Republicii. Kenobi a refuzat, iar Dooku a sugerat că ar fi dificil pentru el să-i asigure eliberarea.

Skywalker și Amidala au mers pe Geonosis ca să-l salveze pe Kenobi, dar au fost capturați în de droizi de pe Geonosis topitoriile de droizi de pe Geonosis. Cei doi au fost condamnați la moarte în[http:// arena Pentraki arena Pentraki], alături de  Kenobi.

Bătălia a avut loc după ce forţele separatiste l-au capturat pe cavalerul Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi pe Geonosis. Anakin Skywalker şi senatoarea Padmé Amidala au încercat să îl salveze pe Kenobi, dar au fost, de asemenea, capturaţi şi condamnaţi la moarte. Aceştia au scăpat la limită de execuţie, care implica un acklay, un nexu şi un reek.[1]

Ca răspuns la raportul lui Kenobi despre conspiraţia separatiştilor, Senatul Galactic, la sugestia reprezentantului Jar Jar Binks, i-a conferit cancelarului suprem Palpatine "puteri de urgenţă" pentru a se confrunta cu această situaţie.

maestru Yoda Marele Maestru Yoda a introdus în uz armata secretă de clone şi a trimis-o pe Geonosis chiar în spatele unei forţe de atac Jedi. Natura rapidă a mobilizării de pe Kamino a forţelor i-a surprins pe unii sergenţi Cuy'val Dar cum ar fi Kal Skirata şi Walon Vau, când, la trezire, au văzut că trupele de comando pe care le antrenaseră dispăruseră.


Spargerea defensivei[]

"You call this a diplomatic solution?"
"No, I call it aggressive negotiations."
"Numeşti asta o soluţie diplomatică?"
"Nu, o numesc negocieri agresive."
Anakin Skywalker şi Padmé Amidala[src]

Un grup de 212 Jedi, condus de Maeştrii Jedi Mace Windu, Coleman Trebor, Eeth Koth, Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, Shaak Ti, Even Piell, Luminara Unduli şi Ki-Adi-Mundi, a fost trimis pe Geonosis de către Înaltul Consiliu Jedi pentru a-l salva pe Obi-Wan Kenobi şi a investiga rapoartele conform cărora Separatiştii construiau o armată pe Geonosis.

Jedi Squadron

Un escadron de luptătoare stelare Jedi, condus de Mace Windu şi Luminara Unduli, se apropie de Geonosis pentru a-i salva pe Obi-Wan Kenobi şi Anakin Skywalker.

După intrarea în sistem, flota de luptătoare stelare Jedi a fost atacată de tunuri anti-orbitale, revendicând câteva vieţi. Mace Windu şi Luminara Unduli au reuşit să treacă de tunuri şi au confiscat câteva tancuri luptătoare TX-130S, în acelaşi timp bruind frecvenţele de comunicare pentru a opri forţele separatiste să cheme întăriri. Au pornit aşadar să dezactiveze tunurile orbitale. Apărarea droidă, alcătuită din TBT-uri, droizi Hailfire şi PASS-uri au încercat să îi reţină, dar au fost distruse de către Jedi. Nodurile de putere au fost distruse, făcând tunurile să explodeze. [12]

The last cannon, however, was housed in a Geonosian base. Mace set out on foot to disable the cannon. He penetrated the droid defenses and destroyed the last power nodes with his lightsaber. With the orbital defenses disabled, a landing zone had to be made. The Jedi strike team landed in a captured Confederate outpost and moved toward the arena in a convoy of RTTs. Mace and Luminara cleared the way in their tanks. They reached the perimeter of the arena, where they destroyed tunnel catacombs deploying battle droids. The Jedi deployed into the arena quietly.[12]

Also around this time, the Acclamator-class assault ship Aken was traveling to Geonosis through its asteroid belt. Aken was escorted by Jedi starfighters lead by Adi Gallia, who had traveled from Nod Kartha, and Siri Tachi. After they were spotted by droid starfighters, the Jedi had to defend the Aken from two C-9979 landing craft and two Trade Federation Missile Frigates that appeared behind them along with Geonosian starfighters from the surface. The Separatist forces pushed the Republic group forward until the Aken reached the edge of the asteroid ring. There a blockade of Missile Frigates arrived to trap them. Gallia led the starfighters and destroyed a pair of the frigates in their line. This allowed the Aken to escape and eventually reach the surface of Geonosis.[5]

Arena battle[]

"This party's over."
"Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones"
Mace Windu

The three captives, Anakin, Padmé and Obi-Wan managed to avoid the nexu, reek, and acklay beasts that had been set upon them long enough for Master Windu's 212-Jedi rescue mission team to arrive. However, Count Dooku revealed the Separatist's new secret battle droid army, and a heated battle took place. Though outnumbered 50 to 1, the Jedi fought to the end. As the Jedi appeared throughout the arena, many Geonosians fled.

Jedi circle

Mace Windu şi restul echipei sale de atac.

It was during the heated battle that followed that bounty hunter Jango Fett attempted to fight and kill the legendary Korun Jedi Master, Mace Windu. However, during the fight, a reek arena beast nearly trampled Jango and damaged his jet pack. After killing the reek, Jango was charged by Mace Windu; at the last second the Mandalorian attempted to activate his jetpack, but failed. Mace Windu quickly beheaded the infamous bounty hunter. His battered helmet was soon found by his "son" Boba Fett. However, Dooku's forces held the upper hand.

Meanwhile, huge Republic assault ships penetrated the upper atmosphere and dropped a fleet of gunships, carrying thousands of clone troopers and dozens of AT-TEs as well as General Yoda, to the surface. By the time the fleet reached the arena, the Jedi had already suffered heavy casualties; 170 Jedi Knights had fallen and only about 30 remained alive. The stadium was littered with droid parts.

The opening battle of the Clone Wars had begun.

Desert battle[]

"If Dooku escapes, rally more systems to his cause, he will."
"Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones"

Around the time of the arena battle, a group of clone troopers lead by Jedi Master Adi Gallia and Jedi Knight Siri Tachi attacked a power plant that fueled the droid foundries in the surrounding area. After having escorted the Aken to the surface of Geonosis, Master Gallia and Siri Tachi led several LAAT/i gunships at their command to deploy troopers near the power plant. The two Jedi defended the clones on the ground and in the air from Separatist forces which included battle droids, tanks, and droid starfighters. Along the way, Gallia had the gunships destroy a nearby Trade Federation Core Ship. Clone troopers eventually reached the power plant and set up explosives inside in. After the plant was detonated by the clones, Adi Gallia and Siri Tachi took to space to prevent Separatist transports from escaping.[5]


Master Ur-Sema Du was one of General Grievous's first Jedi victims

After the rescue of the Jedi, the droid and clone armies engaged one another in a complex series of engagements on a number of different fronts. The Republic had planned the attack as a sudden, overwhelming assault that would catch the Separatists off-guard and prevent them from gaining further influence. Their army landed in twelve Acclamator I-class assault ships, offloading infantry, armored vehicles, and artillery and air support. The Separatist army consisted of droid infantry of varying strength and larger droid-controlled vehicles.

The Battle of Geonosis was primarily a ground campaign. However, the Republic's crucial use of aerial bombardment of the Separatists' fighter craft allowed the Republic's gunships to have air superiority throughout much of the battle, giving the clone forces a crucial advantage. And although the clone troopers were vastly outnumbered by droids, the droids were heavily exposed to attacks from the air by Republic gunships. The Republic's armored AT-TE walkers were strong against the lightly armored spider droids employed by the Separatists, but were vulnerable to the missiles on the Hailfire droids and the intense laser flak projected into the air. The Republic gunships were instrumental in clearing away the Hailfire droids and allowing the AT-TEs to establish superiority on the battlefield, although the Hailfires were able to shoot down a number of LAATs and a few were destroyed by lucky shots by the flak.

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The Jedi Knights lead the newly formed Grand Army of the Republic into the Battle of Geonosis

Reconnaissance troopers mounted their speeder bikes and raced across the battlefield, gathering vital information about enemy activity. Elsewhere, Geonosian-trained acklays and nexus devoured unfortunate clone troopers. A group of the airborne infantry, including Battalion Commander CRC-09/571, led the frontal assault on the Separatist core ships. Jedi Master Mace Windu, who was fighting on the ground, made his way to a LAAT/i and used it to destroy several Hardcell-class interstellar transports before landing and defending SPHA guns bringing down core ships in a TX-130 Saber-class fighter tank. In this way, another three core ships were taken down, before Mace was informed that contact with Master Yoda had been lost.[12]

Having beaten the droid army into retreat, Yoda took note of the fact that much of the Confederate Navy was still grounded receiving shipments of droids when the Republic attacked. Lightly armored and vulnerable Techno Union starships attempted to withdraw immediately, but many were destroyed in the first wave of attacks from the Republic gunships. The Jedi Master now ordered the army's artillery to attempt to take down as many of the heavily armored Trade Federation Core Ships as possible, as they each held millions of deadly battle droids, and managed to bring down at least one. In space, the Republic fleet fought to intercept and destroy the Separatist ships (that carried scores of combat droids). Despite taking control of the surface of the planet, the Republic was unable to capture the Separatist leadership and stop the war before it began, and most of the Confederacy's battle droids and heavy equipment escaped aboard core ships.


SPHAs concentrate fire on a fleeing Lucrehulk-class Core Ship.

Meanwhile, Echuu Shen-Jon and a team of other Jedi, including Plo Koon, destroyed several core ships and Techno Union vessels, before setting off to pursue Count Dooku. However, they were delayed by Sev'rance Tann, who killed Stam Reath, Echuu's apprentice, angering Echuu. Sev'Rance escaped, and the Jedi pursuit of Dooku was presumably lost.[2]

In the midst of battle, the Republic's Hawkbat Battalion was ordered to march directly into the line of fire of a column of spider droids. The battalion was almost completely annihilated, but Captain CT-65/91-6210, leader of K Company, stayed behind in a shallow crater to tend to two critically injured troopers at great personal risk. Surrounded by spider droids, he defended their position for three hours until the casevac team arrived. His heroic acts had not been in vain, as the two men under his command was rescued.

Elsewhere, ARC trooper CT-96/298, previously having studied power cell recharge cycles, recognized when a Hailfire droid was about to enter a reflux pattern. The whine of the droid's capacitor was barely audible, but CT-96/298 leapt from cover and eliminated the Hailfire before it could explode, thus saving the lives of five of his cohorts.

Above a crevasse, the Republic Commando squad Theta Squad rappelled in and placed charges on a Geonosian door while Delta Squad held off OG-9 homing spider droids nearby. After the door was blown, Theta and Delta entered the Geonosian caverns and split up. Heading for a droid foundry, Theta squad leader RC-1133 ordered RC-1136 to stay behind and hold a position while the rest moved forward. 1136, or Darman, lost contact with his squad and pulled out. He was the only survivor of Theta.

Delta Squad managed to kill Geonosian Separatist General Sun Fac as he attempted to flee the planet in his personal Geonosian fighter. They also spotted General Grievous's Soulless One. Later, Delta Squad infiltrated and destroyed the underground droid factory that Theta had been aiming for and a Federation Coreship, stealing (under heavy fire) the escape coordinates for the CIS fleet, thus allowing the Republic artillery and fleet to take down the rest of the CIS fleet. Along the way, they also eliminated significant numbers of droids, Geonosian warriors, and an anti-aircraft turret. Delta squad was one of only a handful of Republic Commando squads not to lose any members during the battle of Geonosis.[7]

501st Mission[]

During the battle, a portion of the 501st engaged in combat. A clone trooper was assigned to secure Checkpoint Alpha. He encountered three B2 super battle droid scouts, but managed to destroy them before they called in reinforcements. Blowing a Hailfire droid to pieces with his thermal detonators, he then secured the wreckage of a nearby Hardcell-class interstellar transport. The events soon became full scale battle between the Geonosians, droids, and clones. A clone engineer was deployed to repair the Power droids and FX-series medical assistant droids, ensuring ammuniton and medical supplies would aid the battle. During the course of the engagement, two Spider Droids arrived on the battlefield. The clone engineer was then ordered to the recently deployed AT-TE. They soon destroyed the droids to prevent the balance of power from swinging. A Geonosian soldier was shot and killed, which resulted in him dropping a Sith Holocron on top of the wrecked Hardcell. A jet trooper was called in, and managed to get the Holocron to Checkpoint Alpha. The troopers then used the AT-TE to mount an assault on a nearby hill fortress, soon securing it. A sniper was deployed, and picked off Geonosians and droids alike. A heavy trooper came into play, using his rocket launcher to destroy a Spider droid. General Windu arrived shortly after, and led an assault that secured the Northern CIS bunker.[14]

Spire Mission[]

Yoda then sent a group of Clones, an AT-TE Tank, and a couple of LAAT transport ships led by Mace Windu. Their mission was to secure the Spire council Chamber, and wipe out the remaining droids in the area. They first proceeded in destroying the Techno Union Transport ships, denying the droids escape. The Clones then succeeded in wiping out the remaining droids, and succesfully captured the spire.

Space battle[]

"Droid transports may yet try to escape. We must protect the planet from space to stop that happening."
"Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter"
Adi Gallia to Siri Tachi

Following an initial raid on a Geonosian power plant, Adi Gallia and her former Padawan, now Jedi Knight Siri Tachi, flew into orbit in their Delta-7 interceptors, intending to intercept escaping droid transports. Navigating through the asteroid ring, the Jedi received a hyperspace transmission from Nym, warning that Captain Cavik Toth of Sabaoth Squadron was en route to Geonosis with his Hex fleet. With the power of Trihexalon, Toth intended to level the battlefield on Geonosis, under the orders of Count Dooku.[5]

Galia and Tachi led the fight against Toth's Hex Deployers and Bombers alongside Zeta Squadron, a squadron of Jedi pilots including A'Sharad Hett and An'ya Kuro. The Hex threat was summarily defeated under Jedi firepower, though the pilots were soon outmatched with the arrival of two Sabaoth destroyers and complements of Sabaoth starfighters and Defenders. Fortunately, Loyalist aid arrived in the form of Nym and the Lok Revenants, soon joined by three Mere cruisers capable of taking down Toth's capital ships. Nym and his forces would deal with the capital ship turrets on the destroyers while the Jedi attacked the waves of fighters.[5]

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Cavik Toth's flagship explodes behind Adi Gallia.

After one warship was destroyed, a third Destroyer emerged from hyperspace—Toth's flagship. The Mere cruisers directed their fire on the second vessel while all starfighter forces then began to target the flagship's capital turrets before they could cripple the Mere cruisers. Developments on Geonosis forced Master Windu to call back Zeta Squadron leaving Gallia and Tachi with only the Revenants for support. Nym sustained critical damage to his craft during the fight, and was forced to leave the battlefield. Nevertheless, the Revenants penetrated the flagship's deflector shields, and the Destroyer's main systems went critical. Toth himself fled his flagship in a personal starfighter, and engaged Adi Gallia in single combat. Toth's weaponry could not overcome the Jedi's mastery of the Force, and his fighter was destroyed moments before his flagship exploded.[5]

Confrontation with Darth Tyranus[]

"I can't take Dooku alone! I need you! If we catch him, we can end this war right now! We have a job to do!"
"Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones"
Obi-Wan Kenobi to Anakin Skywalker

Darth Tyranus brandishing his lightsaber during the Battle of Geonosis.

In the confusion of the battle, the Separatist leader Dooku, also known as Darth Tyaranus, tried to flee to a hangar where his solar sailer starship was docked. The Republic gunship carrying Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, and some clone troopers pursued. Dooku's wing guard of fighters piloted by Geonosians opened fire on the gunship; the resulting attack on the gunship led to Amidala and a clone trooper falling to the desert below. The gunship continued to give chase, deploying Kenobi and Skywalker into the Count's hangar shortly before being destroyed by laser fire. Trailing Dooku and the Republic gunship was General Mace Windu in a fighter tank, who was intercepted by three of Dooku's Dark Acolytes in front of the hangar. They engaged Windu in combat, and all three were killed by the Jedi Master's TX-130S fighter tank, but not soon enough to allow the Korun master to involve himself in the fight.[12]


Kenobi and Dooku engaging one another.

Upon arriving at Dooku's hangar, Kenobi and Skywalker challenged the Count. As Kenobi began to strategize, Skywalker, his anger getting the best of him, charged at Dooku. Dooku released a barrage of Force lightning and blasted Skywalker aside before turning to Kenobi. Kenobi began to circle and refused to back down, despite the Count's threats. Drawing his lightsaber and angling the blade into a guard position, Dooku awaited Kenobi. Kenobi promptly charged at Dooku, attacking. Dooku quickly deflected the attack and the subsequent jab. After a quick flurry of bladework, Kenobi slashed at Dooku's legs. Dooku overleapt the attack and flourished his blade to drive Kenobi back as he landed. As Kenobi fell back, Dooku calmly taunted him, having expected better from someone held in such esteem by Yoda.

Kenobi attacked again, attempting to regain the offensive, but was forced into retreat by Dooku's elegant Form II bladework. Dooku quickly seized the offensive, the precision bladework of his Makashi style wearing away at Kenobi's Form III defense. Kenobi, straining to keep up, was pulled into a bladelock. Dooku, a devil's grin on his face, pushed Kenobi's blade aside, and suddenly jabbed at Kenobi's arm, cutting it across the side. As Kenobi fell back in pain, the Count stayed on him, slashing the Jedi across the leg, bringing him down. Despite his wisely shown restraint against Dooku, Kenobi, fatigued by the battle and having only an unfamiliar lightsaber to wield, was defeated.

As Dooku raised his lightsaber to kill Kenobi, Anakin, having recovered from the blast of Force lightning, leapt into action. Flying across the hangar from the corner in which he lay, Skywalker reached the two in time to block the Count's blow. As Dooku turned to regard Skywalker, Kenobi used the Force to retrieve his fallen lightsaber, tossing it to Anakin.

Skywalker vs. Tyranus[]

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Skywalker and Dooku battle.

"Brave of you, boy, but I would have thought you had learned your lesson."
"I am a slow learner."
"Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones"
Dooku and Anakin Skywalker

Anakin, taking up the second blade, began to unleash of flurry of broad Form IV attacks, briefly leaving the Count off his guard. However, since neither Ataru nor the two-blade fighting style of Jar'Kai were forms that Anakin had received advanced training in, Dooku was able to recover his guard and drive Anakin back. Skywalker was forced to revert to his standard Form V practices when Dooku masterfully disarmed him, flicking his second blade out of Skywalker's hand and destroying the hilt in mid air. Warding off Dooku with two rapid strikes, Skywalker quickly retreated, regaining his composure.

Slashing a power cable connected to Dooku's ship as he raised his blade into a high guard, Anakin caused a short circuit that briefly caused the hangar lights to flicker. As the chamber dimmed, the two advanced on each other. As they stared at one another, blades at the ready, Anakin attacked. The two engaged in a flurry of swordplay, seemingly equally matched. Briefly breaking off, Dooku quickly reassessed Anakin's strength before quickly attacking, and the duel resumed.[15] Despite holding his own against Dooku for much of the duel, Skywalker was finally brought down when Dooku twirled and slashed off his arm with a sudden undercut. As Anakin cried out in pain, Dooku blasted the Jedi aside with a Force push.

Yoda vs. Tyranus[]

"Master Yoda."
"Count Dooku."
"You have interfered with our affairs for the last time."
"Powerful, you have become, Dooku. The dark side, I sense in you."
"I've become more powerful than any Jedi… even you."
"Much to learn, you still have."
"It is obvious that this contest cannot be decided by our knowledge of the Force, but by our skills with the lightsaber."
"Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones"
Count Dooku and Grand Master Yoda

Yoda vs. Dooku.

As Dooku briefly caught his breath, he noticed the sound of footsteps and the clack of a cane, as well as the characteristic panting. Turning to the hangar entrance, Dooku and the newly arrived Yoda regarded one another. Dooku attempted to kill Yoda by telekinetically ripping wall fixtures out of the hangar sides and hurling them at Yoda. When the ancient Jedi blocked, Dooku countered by ripping chunks of stone out of the hangar ceiling, a dangerous proposition as the hangar was carved out of a cavern and doing so could cause a cave-in. Yoda caught the chunks and threw them aside, turning to Dooku and acknowledging his power, but noting that he sensed the Dark side of the Force in Dooku. Dooku, affirming his apparent superior power, unleashed a barrage of Force lightning at Yoda. The Jedi caught the lightning and deflected it back at Dooku, who again deflected it into a nearby wall. Dooku proceeded to unleash a second blast against Yoda, but as a show of his mastery, Yoda absorbed the bolt completely, with no need for deflection, showing Dooku the clear futility of this assault.

Dooku brandished his lightsaber, stating that this contest would not be decided by their mastery of the Force, but rather by their skill with a lightsaber. As Yoda drew his own weapon, Dooku leapt into action, unleashing his full Form II mastery against Yoda. However, Yoda's own mastery of Form IV allowed him to hold off Dooku's relentless attacks, and seize the offensive. Driven back by Yoda and realizing that he could not win, Dooku distracted Yoda by using the Force to topple one of the hangars power columns onto Kenobi and Skywalker. As Yoda broke off to telekinetically catch the power column, Dooku was able to quickly board his ship and escape.


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Darth Tyranus's meeting with his Master.

"I have good news for you, my Lord. The war has begun."
"Excellent. Everything is going as planned."
"Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones"
Darth Tyranus and Darth Sidious

By the end of the battle, only Republic soldiers remained. The victory had not come easy, however: When the Republic assault ship Implacable was extracted from Geonosis, med triage on board estimated 12,000 seriously injured men and 8,000 walking wounded. Approximately 72,000 clones were deemed combat-fit. Thousands of clone troopers had died in the fighting. Also, most of the Confederacy's army had been safely evacuated aboard core ships during the battle, while only 5 Core ships were destroyed.

Geonosian Archduke Poggle the Lesser had fled along with the rest of the Separatist Council, and his warriors had retreated into the catacombs, where they resisted the Republic's every effort to dislodge them.

Count Dooku traveled to Coruscant, to meet with his master, who was settled in an abandoned executive headquarter in The Works, not far from the Senate District or the Jedi Temple. Pleased by the news of war he received from Dooku, Darth Sidious ordered the former Jedi, now the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus, to retreat to Raxus Prime to prepare a second battlefront against the Republic. Meanwhile, the Grand Army of the Republic was mobilized throughout the galaxy as the Clone Wars began.

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General Grievous fleeing the battle in his fighter.

The main reason for the Separatist's defeat was derived from the fact that they were caught completely by surprise, working against their numerical superiority. Another reason they lost is that despite the fact Sev'rance Tann and General Grievous, arguably the Droid Army's most brilliant commanders, were present, they were not given command of the army, and were instead placed in support positions. Grievous remained unknown to the Republic, for he killed off any of the Jedi or clones he encountered[16], while Sev'rance Tann escaped Geonosis after killing Echuu Shen-Jon's Padawan, Stam Reath.

While back at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Masters Kenobi and Windu both expressed their mutual belief that the battle would not have been won without the clones, but Master Yoda retorted at the irony of Obi-Wan's use of the word "victory". The battle was but the first of many in what became known as the Clone Wars.

In the months following the battle Mace Windu would regret his decision not to strike down Count Dooku when he had the chance, and killing Jango Fett without a second thought.[17]

Depa Billaba would later state to Windu on Haruun Kal that by simply bombing the arena on Geonosis, the Republic could have prevented a war that destroyed billions of lives at the expense of only a few hundred Jedi.[17]

Kal Skirata lost nine commandos that he trained in the battle, namely the casualties from Theta Squad, Prudii Squad, and Teroch Squad. He, Walon Vau, RC-1309, and RC-8015 would later reflect that this had been due to the Jedi's ill-advised usage of the commandos as infantry rather than special forces.[9]


"I may be the only veteran of Geonosis who doesn't have nightmares of that place. […] My nightmare is what I find when I wake up."
"Shatterpoint (novel)"
Mace Windu

Jedi and Republic[]


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  • Sun Fac (Geonosian General, aide to Poggle the Lesser)[7]
  • Jango Fett (Dooku's henchman, former Mandalore)[1]
  • Cavik Toth (participated in the space battle above)[5]
  • Dark Acolyte Trio (3 dark jedi)

Behind the scenes[]


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Battle of Geonosis concept art

A scene where Plo Koon and Ki-Adi-Mundi raiding a droid control ship was originally going to be included, but did not appear in the final cut.[18]

Another cut scene was the appearance of the Corporate Alliance tank droid.

In LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game and LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga, Padmé Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Anakin Skywalker faced a battle droid firing squad, rather than the three lethal beasts and Anakin is seen wielding a green lightsaber.

At one point in the arena battle, Ki-Adi-Mundi can be seen wielding a green lightsaber, unlike his customary blue lightsaber.

In the Arena battle, one of the jedi in the strike team can be seen using a blue and a green lightsaber.


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Non-canon appearances[]

  • Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (PS2, PSP, Wii versions' historic mission)
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game
  • LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga


  • Attack of the Clones: The Visual Dictionary
  • Star Wars: Attack of the Clones: The Illustrated Companion
  • Inside the Worlds of Star Wars: Attack of the Clones
  • The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels
  • Format:FFCite
  • Star Wars: Complete Locations
  • Format:InsiderCite
  • The New Essential Chronology
  • Format:InsiderCite
  • Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide
  • Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji
  • The Art of Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars: New Battlefronts: The Visual Guide Format:1stID

Databank title E-60R missile launcher în Databank

Notes and references[]

  1. 1,00 1,01 1,02 1,03 1,04 1,05 1,06 1,07 1,08 1,09 1,10 1,11 1,12 1,13 1,14 1,15 1,16 1,17 1,18 1,19 1,20 1,21 1,22 1,23 1,24 1,25 1,26 1,27 1,28 1,29 1,30 1,31 1,32 1,33 1,34 1,35 1,36 Star Wars Episodul II: Attacul Clonelor
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns
  3. Noua Cronologie Esenţială
  4. Format:CW
  5. 5,00 5,01 5,02 5,03 5,04 5,05 5,06 5,07 5,08 5,09 5,10 5,11 5,12 5,13 5,14 5,15 5,16 5,17 5,18 5,19 5,20 5,21 5,22 5,23 5,24 Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter
  6. Databank title Yoda în Databank
  7. 7,00 7,01 7,02 7,03 7,04 7,05 7,06 7,07 7,08 7,09 7,10 7,11 Star Wars: Comando Republican
  8. 8,00 8,01 8,02 8,03 8,04 8,05 8,06 8,07 8,08 8,09 8,10 8,11 8,12 8,13 8,14 8,15 Înăuntrul Lumilor din Star Wars: Atacul Clonelor
  9. 9,0 9,1 9,2 9,3 9,4 Comandoul Republican: Triplu Zero
  10. 10,0 10,1 10,2 Comandoul Republican: Contact Dificil
  11. Noul Ghid Esenţial despre Vehicule şi Nave
  12. 12,00 12,01 12,02 12,03 12,04 12,05 12,06 12,07 12,08 12,09 12,10 Star Wars: Războiul Clonelor Eroare la citare: Etichetă <ref> invalidă; numele "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" este definit de mai multe ori cu conținut diferit
  13. Format:FFCite
  14. Star Wars: Battlefront II
  15. Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones (novel)
  16. Unknown Soldier: The Story of General Grievous
  17. 17,0 17,1 Shatterpoint

External links[]

  • Format:Blog

Format:Separatist Crisis

