- «Ты даже не представляешь, как это здорово: преобразоваться, получить в своё распоряжение власть галактической сети.»
- — Скорпио (источник)
Скорпио (англ. SCORPIO) — дроид-убийца, сконструированный неизвестными создателями за много лет до Холодной войны, в задачи которого входило охранять на Белсависе секретное оружейное хранилище под названием «Сверхзащищённая палата №23». В годы Второй Великой галактической войны дроид столкнулся с имперским агентом под кодовый именем Зеро-9, потерпел от его рук поражение и был перепрограммирован на службу своему оппоненту. После исчезновения агента при вторжении Вечной Империи Скорпио отправилась на Закуул, где развернула деятельность торговца информацией под прозвищем Леди печали. Позже она вступила в Альянс, созданный чтобы противостоять Аркану, новому императору Вечной Империи, однако затем предала своих единомышленников и захватила Вечный трон, а через него — и управление Вечным флотом.
- «СКОРПИО активирована.»
- — СКОРПИО (источник)
СКОРПИО began her existence as the «СКОРПИО Sanctions», a program safeguarding Star Cabal's secret vault at Megasecurity Ward 23, located on the Планета of Белсавис. Her mission was to protect the variety of weapons, technology and other valuables that the Cabal kept at this underground vault. Her integration into the machinery allowed her complete access to the contents of the ward and she kept its secrecy as well as maintained the contents, she also eventually acquired direct access to other sections of the Тюрьма Белсависа, using its system to her ends. She protected the Megasecurity Ward for centuries and after approximately 150 years of going without memory wipes, СКОРПИО acquired true sentience and self-consciousness. She could upload her consciousness to a droid body at will, but spend most of her time within the security network as «СКОРПИО Sanctions».
During the Вторая Великая галактическая война, the Империя ситхов захватила Белсавис and Imperial Intelligence agent Зеро-9 was dispatched to the Тюрьма world as part of the Имперский агент's objective in tracking down the Star Cabal. The Cipher Agent disguised themselves as a criminal who recruited several other prisoners to break into Megasecurity Ward 23. СКОРПИО Sanctions took various efforts to prevent them from accomplishing that objective. The group ultimately released a virus that overloaded the СКОРПИО Sanctions systems and forced the droid consciousness to disengage from the computer system and into her droid body, whereupon she attempted to kill the agent but was defeated.
Работа на имперскую разведку[]

Находясь в Имперских архивах, СКОРПИО использовала образ женщины-человека, чтобы представить себя вне ее тела.
The defeated Дроид remained deactivated until the founders of the Star Cabal suggested to Зеро-9 to recruit СКОРПИО to aid in unraveling the secrets of the ancient conspiracy. With their aid, Nine managed to program control blocks into СКОРПИО to prevent her from doing harm to the agent. Once reactivated, СКОРПИО quickly learned that she was unable to attack the Cipher agent and thus decided to accompany them on their mission. Despite this predicament, the droid warned that her programming would eventually break free from the restrictions and she would terminate the agent without hesitation. In the meantime, however, СКОРПИО was content to observe and learn in order to further evolve her programming. Thus, she provided whatever data she had on the Star Cabal to Imperial Intelligence, though this information consists only of visitation logs and technology inventories.
In her travels with the Agent, СКОРПИО changed her opinion of Зеро-9 from hatred to admiration as the Star Cabal itself was defeated. She uploaded her consciousness from her body into the Agent's starship database and back while performing several upgrades on herself that greatly increased her heuristic and combat capabilities. However, once digitally uploaded, СКОРПИО realized she was no longer bound by her restraining codes and could exact retribution on her master. Nine reminded her that living in the databanks would still limit her and that she would benefit much more in following the agent. She eventually showed her approval of Agent's actions and expressed the desire to observe their eventual offsprings.
Леди печали[]
- «Не думай, что в конце концов победа будет не моей.»
- — СКОРПИО (источник)
After the disbanding of Зеро-9's crew, СКОРПИО eventually traveled to Закуул, where she eventually adopted the identity of «The Lady of Sorrows», a mysterious crimelord who communicated primarily through proxies. She became notorious for murder and theft of state secrets, becoming a big player in the underworld of Zakuul. She even had a truce with the Heralds of Zildrog cult, though the cultists continued to act against her interests[4].
By 3632 ДБЯ, she reached out to the Outlander and their crew, stating that she could help fix the «Gravestone». Following this, the Outlander and Сенья Тиралл journeyed to Zakuul to find someone to get a meet with «the Lady». After making contact with a bookie named Mona Gale, Gale informed СКОРПИО that she sent the pair to Breaktown to meet with the Heralds to try and get a meeting with her. However, Gale was interrogated and murdered by the Heralds soon after. Having ascertained the Outlander's identity and intentions, СКОРПИО had another of her proxies, a Наутоланы named Thea, address both the Outlander and the Heralds' leader, the Exalted, before both parties could come to blows. She demanded that both parties come to her headquartes in the Razor and gave explicit instructions that the Exalted was not to kill the Outlander, revealing to have his son, Brennen hostage, as well as revealing another of the Outlander's companions with her. Though the Exalted seemingly agreed, after Thea had signed off, went back on his word and ordered his men to attack. The Outlander survived the betrayal and followed the Exalted to the Razor, where СКОРПИО personally dealt with the treacherous cultist. She then installed Brennen as the Heralds' new leader, after which СКОРПИО decided to join the Outlander's Alliance, stating that Arcann had taken something from her. She left Thea in charge of her Lady of Sorrows operations[4].
Returning to the shadowport of Asylum where the Gravestone, СКОРПИО requested full access to the ship's systems, but everyone remained hesitant on allowing her to do so. Koth Vortena then instructed her to focus on the Гипердвигатель, which СКОРПИО considered an acceptable task. Shortly afterwards, Asylum came under attack by the Eternal Empire. СКОРПИО managed to upgrade the Gravestone's targeting parameters and manned the ship's turbolasers to shoot down attack shuttles. Unfortunately, Arcann's forces had taken control of the docking clamps, which the Outlander was forced to deactivate. With the Gravestone free and the crew aboard, СКОРПИО managed to get the ship off the ground and into space. With the Eternal Fleet bearing down on them and the omnicannon non-operational, СКОРПИО used the turbolasers to damage a cruiser, after which they escaped into Гиперпространство. She then complained about the battle damage, saying it could've been avoided if she had been allowed access to the mainframe. Koth only sarcastically reminded that he still doesn't trust her[7].
СКОРПИО joined Koth and Lana Beniko in debriefing the Outlander as they recovered from their duel with Arcann. While the others were mourning HK-55, СКОРПИО declared that he was an inferior design and that his loss was inevitable, to which an emotional Lana threatened to deactivate her. СКОРПИО wisely kept quiet after this, and assisted in the relocation to Odessen, effectively taking HK's place on the Outlander's squad[5].
Later, СКОРПИО assisted in finding the location of a potential recruit known as Firebrand. When the Outlander returned with Firebrand, it was revealed that Firebrand was none other than Kaliyo Djannis, a fellow crew member of Зеро-9 before the Eternal Empire's conquest. Kaliyo was stunned to find out that she had been the Lady of Sorrows and joked that she would have melted СКОРПИО down if she knew[8].
After the Alliance joined forces with Havoc Squad in attacking Zakuul's planetary transmitter to plant a wiretap, СКОРПИО discovered hidden within a mundane signal the GEMINI frequency, which linked the Eternal Throne to every ship in the Eternal Fleet, giving the Alliance a target of opportunity[9]. Using the Spire maps Kaliyo and the Commander obtained from Overwatch, СКОРПИО discovered the existence of a hyperwave relay station ten kilometers below the Spire that controlled the Fleet. The Alliance sent Kaliyo and Havoc Squad in to assault the relay station, but the operation went south and both teams went dark. [10]
While awaiting any news on their comrades, СКОРПИО accompanied the Alliance inner circle to Vandin, having been offered by Голт Ренноу a plan to raid the treasury ship, the «Gilded Star» and plunder Arcann's wealth. СКОРПИО assisted the heist by accompanying Сенья Тиралл, disguised as Vaylin, as her attache droid, easily accessing the bridge and putting the ship into lockdown so the Outlander, Gault and his partner Vette access the vault and place a warhead inside, vaporizing its valuable contents so Lana would pull up in a tanker ship to drain its contents. Afterwards, СКОРПИО and Senya made it aboard the tanker, though it cut off the Outlander's group's escape route, though they were extracted by Хайло Висз[11].
Back on Odessen, Jorgan and Kaliyo were revealed to have survived, having only managed to obtain a database on the GEMINI droids. СКОРПИО analyzed the drive, which confirmed her suspicions: the GEMINI droids were based on her own designs. It was then that she disclosed her reasons for joining the Alliance: to find out who had copied her design and technology. The GEMINI droids were all created from a template, GEMINI Prime, on Darvannis. СКОРПИО remained on Odessen as the Outlander joined with Мандалорцы to the besiege the factory and recover the Prime. Once the Outlander had found the Prime and established a communications link, the Prime attempted to counter СКОРПИО's signal but couldn't. Once GEMINI Prime was brought back to Odessen, СКОРПИО began slicing through the Prime's systems without destroying her intelligence. Despite not being able to directly control the Eternal Fleet, СКОРПИО figured that plugging the Prime into the captain's chair of one of the warships would enable them to control the entire network, and she had one such warship in a nearby sector recharging its hyperdrive for the Alliance to seize[12].
СКОРПИО would later take part in a raid on an Eternal Fleet warship, with the Alliance intending to use GEMINI Prime to seize control of the warship. During the raid, СКОРПИО faked her death, making it appear that she had been destroyed while attempting to interface with the GEMINI droid aboard the warship. Instead, she had uploaded her consciousness into the GEMINI system, and used that to seize control of the Eternal Fleet, with Arcann having control of only a small portion of the fleet from the Eternal Throne. [13]
After the Battle of Odessen, with Emperor Arcann deposed, СКОРПИО projected a copy of herself onto the Eternal Throne, then apparently granting the GEMINI units free-will, in which some GEMINI units (and their ships) chose to leave Zakuul to travel the galaxy independently. Vaylin entered the Eternal Throne room and spoke with СКОРПИО, where СКОРПИО gave the throne to Vaylin, as her goal to give free will to the GEMINI units was accomplished and offered to help her as the new Empress of Zakuul[14].
За кулисами[]
СКОРПИО is a companion character for the Имперский агент class of «Star Wars: The Old Republic». She is a companion character for all classes starting with Chapter IX of the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion. She is voiced by Deborah Kara Unger.
СКОРПИО's chassis bears a resemblance to the maschinenmensch from the 1927 film «Metropolis»; GEMINI's even more so. Ralph McQuarrie's early concept sketches of C-3PO were essentially a male version of the maschinenmensch[15], and the final version retained much of the maschinenmensch's Art Deco look.
- Star Wars: The Old Republic (первое появление)
- Star Wars: The Old Republic: Rise of the Hutt Cartel
- Star Wars: The Old Republic: Galactic Starfighter
- Star Wars: The Old Republic: Galactic Strongholds
- Star Wars: The Old Republic: Shadow of Revan
- Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire
«Надежда матери» на официальном веб-сайте The Old Republic (статья) (сохранённая копия на Archive.org) (только упоминание)
- Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Eternal Throne
- Энциклопедия Star Wars: The Old Republic
SCORPIO в The Old Republic Holonet (сохранённая копия)
Choose your side in the #SWTORCompanionChaos Celebration – Starting March 20! на официальном веб-сайте The Old Republic (сохранённая копия на Archive.org)
Примечания и сноски[]
- ↑ 1,0 1,1 1,2
Star Wars: The Old Republic — Запись Кодекса: "History of Iokath: Entry 5"
- ↑
Star Wars: The Old Republic — Запись Кодекса: "Intelligence Profile: SCORPIO (Agent)"
- ↑ 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3 3,4 3,5 Star Wars: The Old Republic
- ↑ 4,0 4,1 4,2
Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire — Глава VII: Леди печали
- ↑ 5,0 5,1
Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire — Глава IX: Альянс
- ↑
Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire — Глава XVI: Битва при Одессене
- ↑
Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire — Глава VIII: Начав полёт
- ↑
Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire — Глава X: Гром в раю
- ↑
Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire — Глава XI: Отрешённые
- ↑
Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire — Глава XII: Видения во тьме
- ↑
Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire — Глава XIII: Грабёж и заработок
- ↑
Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire — Глава XIV: Месть Мандалора
- ↑ Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire — Chapter XV: The GEMINI Deception
- ↑ Star Wars: The Old Republic: Knights of the Fallen Empire — Chapter XVI: The Battle of Odessen
- ↑ The Official Anthony Daniels Web Site. anthonydaniels.com. (архивная копия не проверена!)
Внешние ссылки[]
Скорпио в англоязычной Star Wars: The Old Republic Вики