"I have watched you. You have advanced in submission to my will. I will make you Dark Jedi --extensions of my own power. "
―Deb återfödde kejsaren Palpatine till Xecr Nist och Tedryn-Sha [src]
Mörka Jedi , även kända som "Fallna" Jedi var kraftkänsliga individer, till större delen folk som i alla fall under en kort tid tränats som jedi , men avsagt sig den ljusa sidan av Kraften och därefter följt den mörka sidan av Kraften . Även om en Mörk Jedi , som tidigare nämnts, ofta var en fallen jedi , så kunde de också vara individer som tränats av andra Mörka Jedi, och ibland kallades individer som på artificiell väg blivit kraftkänsliga .
Kända Mörka Jedi [ ]
Mörka Jedi som blev Sith [ ]
Förekomster [ ]
Tales of the Jedi: The Freedon Nadd Uprising
Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
Star Wars: Darth Maul
Star Wars: Bounty Hunter
Outbound Flight
Star Wars: The Clone Wars game
Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns
Clone Wars Chapter 6
Clone Wars Chapter 7
Star Wars Republic: The New Face of War
Jedi: Mace Windu
Star Wars Republic 53: Blast Radius
Star Wars Republic 59: Enemy Lines
Clone Wars Chapter 11
Clone Wars Chapter 17
Clone Wars Chapter 18
Clone Wars Chapter 19
Dark Heart
Rogue's Gallery
Jedi: Count Dooku
Star Wars: The New Droid Army
The Cestus Deception
Star Wars Republic 60: Hate and Fear
Star Wars Republic 64: Bloodlines
CIS Shadowfeed Dispatch 15:01:15 Edition
Jedi Trial
Star Wars: The Clone Wars TV series
Yoda: Dark Rendezvous
Star Wars Republic: The Dreadnaughts of Rendili
Star Wars: Obsession
Boba Fett: Pursuit
Labyrinth of Evil (Nämns endast)
Star Wars Republic: The Siege of Saleucami
Star Wars: Battlefront II (Xbox Live content only) (Förekomst ej canon )
Dark Forces: Soldier for the Empire
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (Första förekomsten) Mall:Retcon
Star Wars Rebellion: The Ahakista Gambit
Star Wars: Rebellion (Nämns endast)
Galaxy of Fear: Spore
Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption
Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided
Star Wars 56: Coffin in the Clouds
Star Wars 57: Hello, Bespin, Goodbye
Star Wars 58: Sundown
Star Wars 60: Shira's Story
Star Wars 61: Screams in the Void
Star Wars 62: Pariah (Nämns endast)
Star Wars 63: The Mind Spider
Stele Chronicles
Gambler's World
Star Wars: TIE Fighter
Dark Forces: Rebel Agent
Dark Forces: Jedi Knight
Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight
The Glove of Darth Vader
Lost City of the Jedi
Mission from Mount Yoda
Prophets of the Dark Side
The Courtship of Princess Leia
Heir to the Empire
Dark Force Rising
The Last Command
Dark Empire
Dark Empire II
Empire's End
Dark Apprentice
Champions of the Force
I, Jedi
Planet of Twilight
Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
The New Rebellion
Junior Jedi Knights: Vader's Fortress
Junior Jedi Knights: Kenobi's Blade
Young Jedi Knights: Heirs of the Force (Nämns endast)
Young Jedi Knights: Shadow Academy
Young Jedi Knights: The Lost Ones
Young Jedi Knights: Lightsabers
Young Jedi Knights: Darkest Knight
Young Jedi Knights: Jedi Under Siege
Young Jedi Knights: Shards of Alderaan (Nämns endast)
Young Jedi Knights: Diversity Alliance (Nämns endast)
Star by Star
Dark Journey
Dark Nest I: The Joiner King
Dark Nest II: The Unseen Queen
Dark Nest III: The Swarm War
Revelation (Nämns endast)