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From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back, Del Rey tarafından 10 Kasım 2020 tarihinde yayımlanan ve filmin 40. yılını kutlamak için Star Wars: Bölüm V İmparator'un Dönüşü zamanı sırasında geçen kırk hikayeye sahip bir kitaptır.[4] Kırk hikayenin ana karakterleri ise 6 Ekim 2020 tarihinde açıklanmıştır.[7] Kitabın sesli kitap versiyonu ise birçok anlatıcı tarafından seslendirilmiştir.

Yayımcının özeti[]

İmparator'un Dönüşü mirasını, zamansız filme kırk övülen yazardan farklı perspektifler içeren bu heyecan verici yeniden öykülemede kutlayın.

21 Mayıs 1980 tarihinde Star Wars, İmparator'un Dönüşü filminin yayınlanmasıyla gerçek bir destan haline geldi. Kırkıncı yıl dönümü anısına kırk hikaye anlatıcısı kahramanlardan düşmanlara, droidlerden yaratıklara kadar birçok yardımcı bir karakterin gözünden ikonik bir İmparator'un Dönüşü sahnesini yeniden yaratıyor. From a Certain Point of View en çok satan yazarlar ve trendler yaratan sanatçılardan katkılar içermektedir:

  • Austin Walker, Han Solo'yu kovalarken ödül avcıları Dengar ve IG-88'in alışılmadık partnerliğini keşfetmektedir.
  • Hank Green, donmuş gezegen Hoth'ta tauntaun'lara bakan bir doğacının hayatını anlatmaktadır.
  • Tracy Deonn, Luke'un korkutucu bir görüyle yüzleştiği Dagobah mağarasının karanlık kalbine dalmaktadır.
  • Martha Wells, Bulut Şehri'nin derinlerinde yaşayan Ugnaught klanlarının dünyasını açıklamaktadır.
  • Mark Oshiro, wampa'nın trajik kaybı ve hayatta kalmasını tekrardan anlatmaktadır.
  • Seth Dickinson, mahvolmuş bir İmparatorluk yıldız gemisinin köprüsünde acımasız bir imparatorluğa hizmet etmenin bedelini göstermektedir.

Ayrıca şu yazarlardan daha komik, kalp kırıcı ve şaşırtıcı hikayeler: Tom Angleberger, Sarwat Chadda, S.A. Chakraborty, Mike Chen, Adam Christopher, Katie Cook, Zoraida Córdova, Delilah S. Dawson, Alexander Freed, Jason Fry, Christie Golden, Rob Hart, Lydia Kang, Michael Kogge, R. F. Kuang, C. B. Lee, Mackenzi Lee, John Jackson Miller, Michael Moreci, Daniel José Older, Amy Ratcliffe, Beth Revis, Lilliam Rivera, Cavan Scott, Emily Skrutskie, Karen Strong, Anne Toole, Catherynne M. Valente, Django Wexler, Kiersten White, Gary Whitta, Brittany N. Williams, Charles Yu, Jim Zub

Katılan tüm yazarlar hikayeleri için herhangi bir ücret almayı cömertçe reddetti. Bunun yerine kazançları, yeni kitaplar, eğitim materyalleri ve ihtiyaç sahibi çocuklara hizmet eden öğretmenler ve organizasyonlar için gerekli diğer şeyleri sağlayan lider bir kar amacı gütmeyen kuruluş olan First Book'a bağışlanacak. Bu kitabın yayımlanması ve iki şirketin First Book ile uzun süreli ilişkilerini daha da kutlamak için Penguin Random House, First Book'a $100.000 ve Disney/Lucasfilm ise First Book'u ve kaliteli eğitim için eşit şartlar sağlama amaçlarına $1.000.000 değerinde olan 100.000 kitap bağışlayacak.[8]


İsim Yazar(lar) Karakter(ler)/Konum(lar)
"Eyes of the Empire"[9] Kiersten White[1] Maela[9]
"Hunger"[10] Mark Oshiro[1] Wampa[10]
"Ion Control"[11] Emily Skrutskie[1] Toryn Farr[11]
"A Good Kiss"[12] C.B. Lee[1] Chase Wilsorr[13]
"She Will Keep Them Warm"[14] Delilah S. Dawson[1] Murra[14]
"Heroes of the Rebellion"[15] Amy Ratcliffe[1] Corwi Selgrothe[15]
"Rogue Two"[16] Gary Whitta[1] Zev Senesca[16]
"Kendal"[17] Charles Yu[1] Kendal Ozzel[17]
"Against All Odds"[18] R.F. Kuang[1] Dak Ralter[18]
"Beyond Hope"[19] Michael Moreci[1] Emon Kref[19]
"The Truest Duty"[20] Christie Golden[1] Maximilian Veers[20]
"A Naturalist on Hoth"[21] Hank Green[1] Kell Tolkani[1]
"The Dragonsnake Saves R2-D2"[22] Katie Cook[2] Dragonsnake[22]
"For the Last Time"[23] Beth Revis[1] Firmus Piett[23]
"Rendezvous Point"[24] Jason Fry[1] Wedge Antilles[24]
"The Final Order"[25] Seth Dickinson[1] Captain Canonhaus[1]
"Amara Kel's Rules for TIE Pilot Survival (Probably)"[26] Django Wexler[1] Amara Kel[26]
"The First Lesson"[27] Jim Zub[1] Yoda[27]
"Disturbance"[28] Mike Chen[1] Darth Sidious[28]
"This Is No Cave"[29] Catherynne M. Valente[1] Sy-O[30]
"Lord Vader Will See You Now"[31] John Jackson Miller[1] Rae Sloane[31]
"Vergence"[32] Tracy Deonn[1] Kötülük Mağarası[1]
"Tooth and Claw"[33] Michael Kogge[1] Bossk[33]
"STET!"[34] Daniel José Older[1] 4-LOM ve Zuckuss[35]
"Wait for It"[36] Zoraida Córdova[1] Boba Fett[36]
"Standard Imperial Procedure"[37] Sarwat Chadda[2] Carl Ashon[38]
"There Is Always Another"[39] Mackenzi Lee[1] Obi-Wan Kenobi[39]
"Fake It Till You Make It"[40] Cavan Scott[1] Jaxxon[40]
"But What Does He Eat?"[41] S.A. Chakraborty[1] Torro Sbazzle[42]
"Beyond the Clouds"[43] Lilliam Rivera[1] Isabalia
"No Time for Poetry"[44] Austin Walker[1] Dengar ve IG-88[1]
"Bespin Escape"[45] Martha Wells[1] Lonaste[1]
"Faith in an Old Friend"[46] Brittany N. Williams[1] L3-37[46]
"Due on Batuu"[47] Rob Hart[1] Willrow Hood[47]
"Into the Clouds"[48] Karen Strong[1] Jailyn Cirri[49]
"The Witness"[50] Adam Christopher[1] Deena Lorn[50]
"The Man Who Built Cloud City"[51] Alexander Freed[1] Birinci Yathros Condorius[51]
"The Backup Backup Plan"[52] Anne Toole[1] Tal Veridian[52]
"Right-Hand Man"[53] Lydia Kang[1] 2-1B[54][55]
"The Whills Strike Back"[56] Tom Angleberger[1] Whill'ler[57]



Kapak galerisi[]


Aslında E. K. Johnston bir yazar olarak belirtilse de[1] ailevi yükümlülüklerden dolayı kitaba katkıda bulunamayacağını açıkladı.[60]


Notlar ve referanslar[]

  1. 1,00 1,01 1,02 1,03 1,04 1,05 1,06 1,07 1,08 1,09 1,10 1,11 1,12 1,13 1,14 1,15 1,16 1,17 1,18 1,19 1,20 1,21 1,22 1,23 1,24 1,25 1,26 1,27 1,28 1,29 1,30 1,31 1,32 1,33 1,34 1,35 1,36 1,37 1,38 1,39 1,40 1,41 1,42 1,43 1,44 1,45 1,46 1,47 1,48 1,49 1,50 1,51 1,52 1,53 1,54 1,55 1,56 1,57 1,58 1,59 1,60 1,61 1,62 1,63 1,64 1,65 1,66 1,67 1,68 1,69 1,70 1,71 1,72 1,73 1,74 1,75 1,76 1,77 1,78 1,79 1,80 1,81 StarWars'da Empire at 40 | From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back Authors Revealed (yedek bağlantı)
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey Star Wars (@DelReyStarWars). "The final roster of 40 authors for #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack is here! And we're so pleased to welcome the final two brilliant and wonderful contributors to this anthology: Katie Cook, Sarwat Chadda. The book is up for preorder in all formats and is on-sale Nov 10th." (yedek bağlantı)
  3. TwitterLogo Twitter'da Star Wars Books (@DelReyStarWars). "There's one more thing left to say. We're indebted to @christrevas for all of his amazing work creating art for #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack. That art appears on these social cards, but also inside the book as well." (yedek bağlantı)
  4. 4,0 4,1 StarWars'da Empire at 40 | Check Out the Cover of From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back (yedek bağlantı)
  5. TwitterLogo Twitter'da Star Wars Books (@DelReyStarWars). "Big news. Today we've put all the finishing touches on #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack. 576 pages of awesome #StarWars stories coming your way Nov 10th! Which means it is time to start planning some fun story reveals for the near future (we'll keep you posted)." (yedek bağlantı)
  6. Star Wars: Galaksi Atlası, bu kitabın uyarladığı Star Wars: Bölüm V İmparator'un Dönüşü olaylarını YSS 3'e tarihlendirmektedir.
  7. TwitterLogo Twitter'da Star Wars Books (@DelReyStarWars). "Tomorrow. Tuesday, Oct 6th. 40 authors. 40 stories. 40 social cards. Character reveals, scenes, story order, and more! Discover all the tales inside #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack, coming Nov 10th. Hang out with us, right here, starting Tues morning (est)." (yedek bağlantı)
  8. 8,0 8,1 PenguinRandomHouse Penguin Random House'ın resmî internet sitesinde From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back (Star Wars) (yedek bağlantı) (Ciltli)
  9. 9,0 9,1 TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey Star Wars (@DelReyStarWars). "1 - Imperial probe droids scour the galaxy, searching for the hidden rebel base. Who exactly is watching? And what else might they discover in service of the Empire? @kierstenwhite #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  10. 10,0 10,1 TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey Star Wars (@DelReyStarWars). "2- Did you ever hear the tragedy of the wampa on Hoth? @MarkDoesStuff #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  11. 11,0 11,1 TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey Star Wars (@DelReyStarWars). "3 - Toryn Farr takes center stage, finally. @skrutskie #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  12. TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey Star Wars (@DelReyStarWars). "Some people on Hoth aren't heroes. Some people on Hoth don't get to stand around flirting with their crush. Some people on Hoth have an actual job to do. @cblee_cblee #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  13. TwitterLogo Twitter'da C.B. Lee (@cblee_cblee). "MEET CHASE WILSORR. kitchen boy. caf runner. box carrier. absolute disaster. look at him, he's so tired. who's gonna give HIM a good kiss? #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack thank you @DelReyStarWars for the chance to tell this delightful story!" (yedek bağlantı)
  14. 14,0 14,1 TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey Star Wars (@DelReyStarWars). "5 - We're not crying over tauntauns. You're crying over tauntauns! Oh you aren't? Well, you will be. You will be. @DelilahSDawson #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  15. 15,0 15,1 TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey Star Wars (@DelReyStarWars). "6 - Corwi Selgrothe thought going to Hoth to interview the "Heroes of the Rebellion" would be a fun adventure. She thought wrong. @amy_geek #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  16. 16,0 16,1 TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey Star Wars (@DelReyStarWars). "7 - When Luke Skywalker goes missing amidst the snow of Hoth, there's only one thing left for Rogue Squadron to do. Bet on who finds the commander first. @garywhitta #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  17. 17,0 17,1 TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey Star Wars (@DelReyStarWars). "8 - Admiral Ozzel was as clumsy as he was foolish…to the last. @charles_yu #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  18. 18,0 18,1 TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey Star Wars (@DelReyStarWars). "9 - Dak Ralter is ready to take on the whole Empire by himself. He always has been. @kuangrf #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  19. 19,0 19,1 TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey Star Wars (@DelReyStarWars). "10 - How do you win a war? By finding reasons to fight, even when all hope seems lost. @MichaelMoreci #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  20. 20,0 20,1 TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey Star Wars (@DelReyStarWars). "11 - And now your watch has ended. General Veers has arrived. @ChristieGolden #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  21. TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey Star Wars (@DelReyStarWars). "12 - Hoth may appear to be a desolate, terrible and worthless place. Unless you take a closer look at the beauty underneath. @hankgreen #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  22. 22,0 22,1 TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey Star Wars (@DelReyStarWars). "13 - Everyone wants to be friends with R2-D2 @katiecandraw #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  23. 23,0 23,1 TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey Star Wars (@DelReyStarWars). "14 - Piett might not have come into the role of Admiral by traditional means. But he's determined to hold onto that power, no matter what. @bethrevis #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  24. 24,0 24,1 TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey Star Wars (@DelReyStarWars). "15 - The rebels escaped Hoth. Leia and Luke are missing. Who will step up to lead them? @jasoncfry #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  25. TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey (@DelReyStarWars). "They're just asteroids. What possible threat could they pose to a Star Destroyer and its captain? #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  26. 26,0 26,1 TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey (@DelReyStarWars). "TIE pilots don't usually have long careers. But follow Amara Kel's rules and you'll survive (Probably). @DjangoWexler #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  27. 27,0 27,1 TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey (@DelReyStarWars). "18 - The first meeting between a Jedi master and a would-be student is critical. Especially when that would-be Jedi has the last name Skywalker. @JimZub #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  28. 28,0 28,1 TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey (@DelReyStarWars). "19 - "There has been a great disturbance in the Force. We have a new enemy..." Spooky Force vision? Dark side machinations!? YOU. ARE. NOT. READY. @mikechenwriter #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  29. TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey (@DelReyStarWars). "20 - A mind-bending, beautiful weird tale across the vast expanse of time and space, along the Road of All Moons. This is the space slug. The exogorth. @catvalente #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  30. Kaynak hatası: Geçersiz <ref> etiketi; This Is No Cave isimli refler için metin sağlanmadı
  31. 31,0 31,1 TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey Star Wars (@DelReyStarWars). "RAE SLOANE returns. @jjmfaraway #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  32. TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey (@DelReyStarWars). "22 - "What's in there?" "Only what you take with you." You are not prepared. @tracydeonn #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  33. 33,0 33,1 TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey (@DelReyStarWars). "The plan is made. The trap is set. And Bossk has fallen right into it! He just doesn't know it yet. @michaelkogge #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  34. TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey (@DelReyStarWars). "Parazeen has landed the magazine profile of a lifetime: Fabled bounty hunting duo 4-LOM and Zuckuss. But their editor has a few notes about the story. @djolder #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  35. TwitterLogo Twitter'da Daniel José Older (@djolder). "Also I changed the user info on Word so I could add the editorial notes in as the droid TK-7 and then forgot to change it back lolol other editors were politely confused i am sure" (yedek bağlantı)
  36. 36,0 36,1 TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey (@DelReyStarWars). "You can't have a bounty hunter party without Boba Fett. @zlikeinzorro #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  37. TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey Star Wars (@DelReyStarWars). "One man's trash is another bounty hunter's treasure, that you really, really, shouldn't touch. @sarwatchadda #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  38. TwitterLogo Twitter'da Sarwat Chadda (@sarwatchadda). "Meet Ashon. He's a garbage man on an Imperial Star Destroyer. He tries to make a deal with Boba Fett. It goes... badly. Also... OMG! I GOT TO WRITE ABOUT BOBA FETT!!!!!! #onechancesoIseiezedit" (yedek bağlantı)
  39. 39,0 39,1 TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey (@DelReyStarWars). "The problem with Skywalkers is that they care too much. Obi-Wan knows. He's always known. #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  40. 40,0 40,1 TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey (@DelReyStarWars). "Jaxxon just wants to visit his friend Lando Calrissian. He couldn't possibly have worse timing. @cavanscott #StarWars#FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  41. TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey (@DelReyStarWars). "Guess who's coming to dinner? @SAChakrabooks #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  42. TwitterLogo Twitter'da S.A. Chakraborty (@SAChakrabooks). "Guess who got to write about sumptuous space cuisine AND the impossibilities of heroism under a tyrannical regime for the movie that made them a science fiction fan?? IT IS I! I can't wait for you to meet Torro, my Devaronian chef, who really isn't paid enough to deal with this." (yedek bağlantı)
  43. TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey (@DelReyStarWars). "A wannabe bounty hunter, marooned on a city in the clouds, faces a choice. Follow the love of her life, or meet her hero that could make all her dreams come true. Never meet your heroes. @lilliamr #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  44. TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey (@DelReyStarWars). "Dengar and IG-88. The oddest of odd couples, on the hunt for Han Solo. They just might catch him, if they don't kill each other first. @austin_walker #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  45. TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey (@DelReyStarWars). "Discover what goes on beneath the gleaming corridors of Cloud City. @marthawells1 #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  46. 46,0 46,1 TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey (@DelReyStarWars). ""Sir, I don't know where your ship learned to communicate, but it has the most peculiar dialect." L3 returns. Truth is, she was never really gone. @BrittanyActs #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  47. 47,0 47,1 TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey (@DelReyStarWars). "You can't spell #StarWars without Willrow Hood. Now, what's in the camtono? @robwhart #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  48. TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey (@DelReyStarWars). "A side should always be taken. Especially if it's the side that doesn't capture princesses. @KarenMusings #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  49. TwitterLogo Twitter'da Karen Strong (@KarenMusings). "Writing this Star Wars story has been a bright spot in my author career. Can't wait for y'all to meet Jailyn Cirri, a Tibanna gas heiress with a love of fashion and a streak of rebellion inspired from a certain princess. #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  50. 50,0 50,1 TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey (@DelReyStarWars). "A stormtrooper stumbles upon the most awkward family reunion ever, and tries to live to tell the tale. @ghostfinder #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  51. 51,0 51,1 TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey (@DelReyStarWars). "Have you ever heard the tragedy of the King of Cloud City? I thought not. It's not a story Lando Calrissian would tell you. @AlexanderMFreed #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  52. 52,0 52,1 TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey (@DelReyStarWars). "The heroes may have escaped, but for the people of Bespin, the battle's just begun. @amely #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  53. TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey (@DelReyStarWars). "Always listen to the advice of your physician. Droid or otherwise. @LydiaYKang #StarWars #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  54. TwitterLogo Twitter'da Lydia Kang (@LydiaYKang). "I can't reveal which POV I picked, but if you know me and the different hats I wear, it's obvious. Also..check my insta feed. The answer is hiding there from weeks/months ago. Hehehe." (yedek bağlantı)
  55. InstagramIcon Lydia Kang - Instagram: A posed photo of a 2-1B action figure. (Şubat 28, 2020): "Got this guy, 2-1B (Too-Onebee) as a gift from my hubs. If you don't remember him, he's the surgical droid seen in The Empire Strikes Back, after the wampa attack and at the end of the movie when Luke gets his cybernetic hand. We spent the day together writing something. It was fun!" (yedek bağlantı)
  56. TwitterLogo Twitter'da Del Rey Star Wars (@DelReyStarWars). "The problem with chronicling the story of #StarWars is deciding where to begin…or rather, continue. Everyone's got an opinion. #FromaCertainPOVStrikesBack" (yedek bağlantı)
  57. YouTube Comic-Con International YouTube kanalında Lucasfilm Publishing: Stories From a Galaxy Far, Far Away | Comic-Con@Home 2020 (yedek bağlantı)
  58. PenguinRandomHouse Penguin Random House'ın resmî internet sitesinde From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back (Star Wars) (yedek bağlantı) (eKitap)
  59. EdelweissPlus-Logo Edelweiss+ resmi sitesinde From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back (Star Wars) (yedek bağlantı) (ciltsiz)
  60. TwitterLogo Twitter'da E. K. Johnston (@ek_johnston). "Hey, all! Thank you for asking. I had to drop out due to family obligations. I'm sad, bc the first FACPOV anthology was SO MUCH FUN, but now someone else gets to feel like that." (yedek bağlantı)

Dış bağlantılar[]
