Star Wars Insider 37, Star Wars Insider dergisinin Nisan 1998 tarihinde yayınlanan otuz yedinci sayısıdır.
- "Something Wicked This Way Comes" by Scott Chernoff
- Scott Chernoff talks with the actor who will portray Senator Palpatine in Star Wars: Episode I.
- "Peter Cushing: Charming to the Last" by Constantine Nasr
- A retrospective look at the great British star who played Grand Moff Tarkin—by Constantine Nasr.
- "Return to Hoth" by Ingar Westburg
- An intrepid writer from Germany sets foot on the ice-field in Norway where The Empire Strikes Back was filmed.
- "Jack Purvis Remembered" by Jamie Painter
- Jamie Painter looks into the life of one of the unsung heroes of the Star Wars trilogy.
- "1997 Star Wars Customizable Card Game World Championship" by Jon Bradley Snyder
- Find out who won the ultimate Star Wars battle in Norfolk, VA.
- "The Editor's Desk" by Jon Bradley Snyder
- "Rebel Rumblings"
- Our readers hallucinate.
- "Prequel Update" by Dan Madsen with Rick McCallum
- Rick McCallum and new prequel photos.
- "Prequel Profile" by Pamela Roller
- Keith Hamshere shoots everything.
- "Star News"
- Introducing Lucasfilm's Alien Chronicles.
- "In the Star Wars Universe" by Scott Chernoff
- Greedo found!
- "Jawa Trader"
- "Straight from the Horse's Mouth" by Peet Janes
- Meet Star Wars artist Kilian Plunkett.
- "Scouting the Galaxy" by Stephen J. Sansweet
- All your Star Wars collecting questions answered.
Notlar ve referanslar[]
Dış bağlantılar[]
- Cargo Bay'de Star Wars Insider #37 (içerik artık eski; yedek bağlantı)