Star Wars Insider 39, Star Wars Insider dergisinin Ağustos/Eylül 1998 tarihinde yayınlanan otuz dokuzuncu sayısıdır. Bu sayıda Jake Lloyd, Warwick Davis, Kenny Baker ve Doug Chiang ile röportajlar bulunmaktadır.
- "Child of the Force" by Scott Chernoff
- Nine-year-old actor Jake Lloyd tells Scott Chernoff what it was like to take on one of the most famous roles in film history: the young Darth Vader.
- "Sword of the Jedi" by Scott Chernoff
- The world-famous fantasy author was just announced as the author of the Episode I novel. In this exclusive interview, Brooks tells Scott Chernoff how he expanded the Star Wars universe for the Episode I book.
- "When Artoo Met Wicket" by Scott Chernoff
- Two of the Star Wars universe's biggest stars tell the Insider about their triumphant returns to the Star Wars sage for Episode I.
- "From Concept to Screen" by David West Reynolds
- Episode I's director of design tells David West Reynolds about the challenges of helping to create the look for the new generation of Star Wars films.
- "The Editor's Desk" by Jon Bradley Snyder
- "Rebel Rumblings"
- Anticpating Episode I
- "Prequel Update" by Dan Madsen with Rick McCallum
- Rick McCallum on Episodes I & II, plus new photos.
- "Prequel Profile"
- Don Bies makes R2-D2 move.
- "In the Star Wars Universe" by Scott Chernoff
- Meet Mon Mothma!
- "Star News"
- Star Wars goes Lego; Decipher Sponsors Massive CCG Tournament Weekend
- "Jawa Trader"
- "Straight from the Horse's Mouth" by Bob Cooper
- Mara Jade becomes the first non-movie Star Wars character to star in her own series of comics.
- "Scouting the Galaxy" by Stephen J. Sansweet
- All your Star Wars collecting questions answered.
- "The Last Page"
Notlar ve referanslar[]
Dış bağlantılar[]
- Cargo Bay'de Star Wars Insider #39 (içerik artık eski; yedek bağlantı)