The New Jedi Order Sourcebook, Star Wars Roleplaying Game için Wizards of the Coast tarafından Şubat 2002 tarihinde yayımlanan bir kaynak kitabıydı.
Kitapta Yeni Jedi Tarikatı: Vector Prime'dan The New Jedi Order: Star by Star'a kadar Yeni Jedi Tarikatı serisiyle alakalı bilgiler yer alıyordu.
- Introduction
- Chapter One: Prologue to Destruction
- The Yuuzhan Vong
- State of the Galaxy
- Revised Yuuzhan Vong
- Chapter Two: Yeni Jedi Tarikatı: Vector Prime
- Rhommamool and Osarian
- Belkadan
- Helska IV
- A Partial Yuuzhan Vong Glossary
- Dubrillion
- The Dozen-and-Two Avengers
- Sernpidal
- The Battle of Dubrillion
- The First Casualty
- Adventure Ideas
- Chapter Three: Dark Tide
- New Republic Reaction
- The Jedi Academy
- Belkadan under the Yuuzhan Vong
- Bimmiel
- Rogue Squadron
- The Battle of Dantooine
- Prestige Class: Noghri Bodyguard
- Yuuzhan Vong Forces
- Losses on the Rim
- The Battle of Ithor
- Duel, Betrayal, and Blame
- Adventure Ideas
- Chapter Four: Agents of Chaos
- State of the New Republic
- Han Solo's Grief
- Progress of the Invasion
- Obroa-skai
- The Yuuzhan Vong Defector
- Wayland
- Ord Mantell
- Queen of Empire
- Gyndine
- Tynna
- Fondor
- Corellia
- The Hapan Fleet
- Swirls of Chaos
- Adventure Ideas
- Chapter Five: The New Jedi Order: Balance Point
- State of the New Republic
- Progress of the Invasion
- The Bloody Push to Coruscant
- Nal Hutta
- Duro
- The Battle of Duro
- The Rescue of Leia Organa Solo
- The Fall of Duro
- Chapter Six: Edge of Victory
- State of the New Republic
- Progress of the Invasion
- The Invasion of Yavin 4
- Anakin Among the Yuuzhan Vong
- Meditating on the Yuuzhan Vong
- Escape from Yavin 4
- Aboard Errant Venture
- Shelter
- The Truce Unravels
- Yuuzhan Vong Dissension
- The Secret of Yuuzhan Vong Biotech
- Adventure Ideas
- Chapter Seven: The New Jedi Order: Star by Star
- State of the New Republic
- Progress of the Invasion
- Eclipse
- Mara Jade
- Refugee Ships
- A Delivery to Coruscant
- Trouble in the Senate
- XJ3 X-Wing
- New Starship Tactics
- Yuuzhan Vong Hunter War Droids
- Arkania
- Anakin's Strike Force
- Myrkr
- The Final Assault Begins
- The Fate of Anakin Solo
- The Battle of Coruscant
- The Fall of Coruscant
- The Twins Divided
- Adventure Ideas
- Chapter Eight: Epilogue
- Coruscant Lost
- The Solo Twins
- Tsavong Lah's Victory
- New Hopes
Türe göre
Karakterler | Yaratıklar | Droid modelleri | Olaylar | Konumlar |
Organizasyon ve ünvanlar | Duyarlı türler | Taşıt ve gemiler | Silah ve teknolojiler | Muhtelif |
Droid modelleri
Organizasyon ve ünvanlar
Duyarlı türler
Taşıt ve gemiler
Yorik-et |
Silah ve teknolojiler
Dış bağlantılar[]
-'da First Look: The New Jedi Order Sourcebook (içerik artık eski; yedek bağlantı)
- "You Bet I Love Jedi" – (içerik artık eski; yedek bağlantı)