Yeni Cumhuriyet devri, YSS 5 (Endor Savaşı'ndan bir yıl sonra) ve YSS 25 (Yuuzhan Vong Savaşı başlangıcı) arasında bulunmaktadır.
Yeni Cumhuriyet devri[]
YSS 5[]
- "Marooned"—Star Wars Tales 22
- "Blasters for Hire"—Star Wars Adventure Journal 3
- Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor
- The Glove of Darth Vader
- The Lost City of the Jedi
- Zorba the Hutt's Revenge
- Mission from Mount Yoda
- Queen of the Empire
- Prophets of the Dark Side
- Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II
- Dark Forces: Rebel Agent
- Dark Forces: Jedi Knight
- Boba Fett: Twin Engines of Destruction
- Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron
- "Buyer's Market" – Star Wars Insider 126
- Zeltros: Pleasure Planet
- Hoth: Under the Ice
YSS 5 – YSS 9 dolayları[]
- The Politics of Contraband (macera)
- The Art of Betrayal
- Free Time
- The Right Place ...
- Easy Money
YSS 6[]
- "The Kaal Connection"—Star Wars Adventure Journal 7
- "The Battle of Cadinth"—Star Wars Galaxy Magazine 2
- Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds
- Hyperspace (makalesinde Fists of Ion) (İçerik'dan kaldırıldı; new link on Suvudu; yedek bağlantı)
- Deader than a Triton Moon
- "Whispers in the Dark"—Star Wars Adventure Journal 2
- "Missed Chance"—Star Wars Adventure Journal 7
- X-Wing: Rogue Squadron
- X-Wing: Wedge's Gamble
- Star Wars: Force Commander
YSS 7[]
- X-Wing: The Krytos Trap
- X-Wing: The Bacta War
- "Conflict of Interest"—Star Wars Adventure Journal 13
- "A Glimmer of Hope"—Star Wars Adventure Journal 1
- "Chessa's Doom"—Star Wars Adventure Journal 1
- "Big Quince"—Star Wars Adventure Journal 2
- "Explosive Developments"—Star Wars Adventure Journal 3
- "Starter's Tale"—Star Wars Adventure Journal 4
- "Vengeance Strike"—Star Wars Adventure Journal 5
- "Kella Rand, Reporting..."—Star Wars Adventure Journal 6
- X-Wing: Wraith Squadron
- X-Wing: Iron Fist
- X-Wing: Solo Command
YSS 8[]
- The DarkStryder Campaign (SWRPG)
- "Phantom Menaces"—Star Wars Tales 17
- "Being Boba Fett"—Star Wars Tales 18
- First Contact
- Crisis of Faith
- "A Grand Admiral Returns"—Heir to the Empire Sourcebook
- Hyperspace (makalesinde Crossroads) (İçerik'dan kaldırıldı; new link on Suvudu; yedek bağlantı)
- The Courtship of Princess Leia
- Hutt and Seek
- Corphelion Interlude
- A Forest Apart
- Tatooine Ghost
- "The Trouble with Squibs" – Star Wars Insider 67
- "Mission to Zila"—Star Wars Adventure Journal 3
- "Shadows of Darkness"—Star Wars Adventure Journal 4
YSS 9[]
- İmparatorluğun Varisi
- Heir to the Empire (çizgi roman)
- Karanlık Gücün Yükselişi
- Dark Force Rising (çizgi roman)
- "Stand at Bhir'khi Pass"—Star Wars Adventure Journal 9
- "Commando Mission"—Heir to the Empire Sourcebook
- Son Emir
- The Last Command (comics)
- X-Wing: Isard's Revenge
- "Rendezvous with Destiny"—Star Wars Adventure Journal 6
- "Blaze of Glory"—Star Wars Adventure Journal 8
- "Betrayal by Knight"—Star Wars Adventure Journal 12
YSS 10[]
- "Bir Jedi, karanlık tarafla tek başına savaşamaz, sanırım bunu kanıtladık. Birlikte onun kötülüğüne üstün gelen Jedi'lardık."
"İki, birden güçlüdür; üç de ikiden." - ―Luke Skywalker ve Leia Organa Solo
- Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith
- "Retreat from Coruscant"—Star Wars Adventure Journal 7
- A Change of Command (SWRPG)
- "Down And Out On Coruscant"—Dark Empire Sourcebook
- Dark Empire
- A Rebel's Job is Never Done ... (SWRPG)
- Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
- Dark Empire II
- Boba Fett: Bounty on Bar-Kooda
- Boba Fett: When the Fat Lady Swings
- Boba Fett: Murder Most Foul
YSS 11[]
- "O büyük heykel eğer gerçeği biraz olsun yansıtıyorduysa, Vader hakikaten de dehşet verici bir figür olmalıydı."
"Ve şimdi ben onun yerinde, İmparator'un sağ koluyum. Hiçbir şey beni durduramaz!" - ―Bir Kara Jedi ve Xecr Nist
- Boba Fett: Agent of Doom
- Empire's End
- Crimson Empire
- The Bounty Hunters: Kenix Kil
- Crimson Empire II: Council of Blood
- Jedi Arayışı
- "Firestorm"—Star Wars Adventure Journal 15
- Dark Apprentice
- Güç'ün Kahramanları
- I, Jedi
- "The Other"—Star Wars Tales 16
- "From the Files of Corellia Antilles"—Star Wars Adventure Journal 14
YSS 12[]
- "Senin sayende, beni hor gören Jedi, tarihten silinecek ve yeni savaşçılarıla değiştirilecek; güçlü savaşçılar, Güç'ün gereksizleri korumak için bir şey olmadığını bilen savaşçılar. Ancak öyle, gerçekte bir silah, layığını güçlendirmek içindir!"
- ―Desann, Kyle Katarn'a
- Hyperspace (makalesinde Shades of Gray) (İçerik'dan kaldırıldı; new link on Suvudu; yedek bağlantı)
- Rebel Jedi
- Nightsaber
- Simple Tricks
- Children of the Jedi
- Darksaber
- Jedi Academy: Leviathan
- Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
- Hyperspace (makalesinde Castaways of Endor) (İçerik'dan kaldırıldı; yedek bağlantı)
YSS 13[]
- X-Wing: Starfighters of Adumar
- "Murder in Slushtime"—Star Wars Adventure Journal 14
- Planet of Twilight
- Hard Currency
- The Third Time Pays for All
- Star Wars: Crimson Empire III—Empire Lost
YSS 14[]
- "The Secret Tales of Luke's Hand!"—Star Wars Tales 8
- The Crystal Star
- "Tall Tales"—Star Wars Tales 19
- Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
- Vandelhelm: Enemies and Alloys
- Bespin: Action Tidings (SWRPG)
YSS 15[]
- "Collapsing New Empires"—Star Wars Tales 19
YSS 16[]
- Before the Storm
- Shield of Lies
YSS 17[]
- Tyrant's Test
- The New Rebellion
- Two for One
YSS 18[]
- Jade Solitaire
- Adumar: Pilots Wanted
- Ambush at Corellia
- Assault at Selonia
- Showdown at Centerpoint
YSS 19[]
- The Last One Standing: The Tale of Boba Fett
- Specter of the Past
- Vision of the Future
- Red Sky, Blue Flame
- Star Wars: Union
- Scourge
YSS 21[]
- Judge's Call
YSS 22[]
- Junior Jedi Knights: The Golden Globe
- Junior Jedi Knights: Lyric's World
- Junior Jedi Knights: Promises
- Junior Jedi Knights: Anakin's Quest
- Junior Jedi Knights: Vader's Fortress
- Junior Jedi Knights: Kenobi's Blade
- Fool's Bargain
- Survivor's Quest
YSS 23[]
- Young Jedi Knights: Heirs of the Force
- Young Jedi Knights: Shadow Academy
- Young Jedi Knights: The Lost Ones
- Young Jedi Knights: Lightsabers
- Young Jedi Knights: Darkest Knight
- Young Jedi Knights: Jedi Under Siege
YSS 24[]
- Young Jedi Knights: Shards of Alderaan
- Young Jedi Knights: Diversity Alliance
- Young Jedi Knights: Delusions of Grandeur
- Young Jedi Knights: Jedi Bounty
- Young Jedi Knights: The Emperor's Plague
- Young Jedi Knights: Return to Ord Mantell
- Young Jedi Knights: Trouble on Cloud City
- Young Jedi Knights: Crisis at Crystal Reef
- The Crystal
- "Apocalypse Endor"—Star Wars Tales 14
- Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties
- Boba Fett: A Practical Man