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The capitalization in this article's title is conjectural.

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"An Ubrikkian 9,000? That's no junk. Even as parts, it's more than the pot. Miners are clamoring for them."
―Ria Clarr, to Cikatro Vizago[2]

The 9000 Z001 landspeeder,[1] also known as the Ubrikkian 9,000, and colloquially referred to as the Ubrik, was a landspeeder model of an unusual rounded pod design.

A few years before the Battle of Yavin, 9000 Z001 landspeeder's were sought after by miners, and could be sold to a high price even as spare parts. Lando Calrissian, who owned a farmland on Lothal, purchased an 9000 Z001- landspeeder for scouting potential mining sites on his property. During a game of sabacc with Ria Clarr, Cikatro Vizago, and Jho, Calrissian added the keycard of that landspeeder to the sabacc pot.[2]

One 9000 Z001 landspeeder was parked outside Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina's entrance during a scuffle between a Sullustan and Rodian Greedo.[3] A 9000 Z001 landspeeder was also at the exact same location during Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, R2-D2 and C-3PO's venture to hire a starship from the spaceport Mos Eisley in 0 BBY.[4]

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