The short story "A Free Quarren in the Palace: Tessek's Tale" by Dave Wolverton appeared in Tales from Jabba's Palace, which was published December 1995 by Bantam Spectra, and is about the Quarren character Tessek.
Plot summary[]
Tessek has plans to take over Tatooine. He has bribed two Imperial officers to kill both Jabba the Hutt and Imperial Prefect Eugene Talmont during a raid on one of Jabba's warehouses. Afterwards, Tessek will install one of his officers as the new Prefect, giving Tessek the strings controlling the Galactic Empire on Tatooine. Meanwhile, Tessek would sell the criminal aspects of Jabba's Empire to his rival, Lady Valarian. Unfortunately for Tessek, his vast plan utterly collapsed at the last possible moment
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Droid models
Organizations and titles
Sentient species
Vehicles and vessels
Weapons and technology