


Warning: This infobox is missing the following parameters: demonym, gravity, water, government, flora, lengthyear, position, diameter, climate, xyz, exports, imports, atmosphere, distance, class, population, routes, otherlife, fauna, lengthday, coord

Abhean was a planet in the Abhean system. Located on the Perlemian Trade Route, several orbital shipyards were construced above the planet, amongst which the Chu'unthor, a Jedi training vessel, was built in 500 BBY. The shipyards on Abhean were picked because they were the only shipyards big enough to hold the ship.


The world had joined the Galactic Republic by 22,000 BBY.Expression error: Unexpected > operator.

During the Great Sith War, the Mandalorians invaded Abhean. Later, the planet was annexed into the Sith Empire during the Jedi Civil War. Rejoining the Republic after Darth Malak's death, the world would have peace for millennia onwards.

During the Clone Wars, the planet found itself in space contested over by the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. At the end of the war, the planet joined the Galactic Empire becoming part of the Greater Maldrood during the Imperial Civil War. Conquered by Grand Admiral Thrawn, Abhean was reclaimed by the New Republic in 17 ABY.

Attacked by the Yuuzhan Vong, the world was liberated by the Galactic Alliance. As of 137 ABY, Abhean was controlled by Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire.

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