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"When their elderly grow too old to regenerate, beat them to death, the Abyssin do, to conserve their resources."
Yoda, to Qui-Gon Jinn[src]

Abyssins were a sentient species of cycloptic bipeds[7] native to Byss.[4] Their physical characteristics included a swarthy greenish[1] or blue[2] skin, green and white hair, and a single slit-pupilled eye.[1] They also had the ability to regenerate missing limbs and could live to be three hundred years old.[3] Some of them had three claw-tipped digits on each hand,[1] while others had four human-like fingers.[5] Jackar Bowmani, a male Abyssin, worked in the Jedi Temple as a munitions expert during the Clone Wars,[5] while another,[1] Myo,[7] was a patron of Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina in Mos Eisley when Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi first met Han Solo and Chewbacca shortly before the Battle of Yavin.[1]

Behind the scenes

An Abyssin first appeared in the 1977 movie Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope.[1] The name "Abyssin" itself was only coined in the Legends roleplaying game sourcebook Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races in 1984.[8] The first canon source to use the species's name was the reference book Star Wars: Complete Locations, released in 2016. Although the name was misspelt as "Abbysin" in that book,[7] author Jason Fry has confirmed this is merely a typo.[9]



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