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The Acclamator I-class Assault Ship was a variant of the Acclamator-class transgalactic military assault ship utilized by the naval forces of the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars[1] against the Separatist Alliance.[6] Predecessor of the Acclamator II-class Assault Ship, the assault ship was armed with several missile launchers.[1] Alongside the Acclamator II, the Acclamator I-class served as the primary deployment vessel for the Republic's clone troopers throughout the war's duration.[5]

Following the war's beginning on[5] the planet[7] Geonosis, the Republic ordered an additional thousand Acclamator I-class vessels.[5] Later, at some point in the war, two Acclamator I-class Assault Ships traveled through space, where one of them fired several missiles against an opponent.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The Acclamator I-class Assault Ship was introduced in Galactic Republic Fleet Starter, a 2020 supplement to the Star Wars: Armada miniatures game published by Fantasy Flight Games.[1]


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