

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

Ado Eemon was the silken-tongued ruler of the planet Caramm V in the last years of the Galactic Republic. Eemon maintained control over a personalized fleet of HMP droid gunships, which he ruthlessly deployed in an effort to eliminate those who threatened his power. As a result, the once-beautiful Caramm V became devastated in the process of Eemon's actions. At some point during the Clone Wars between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Eemon was allied with the latter. The Confederacy's naval forces thus utilized several HMP droid gunships that featured Eemon's triple-spiraled sponsorship emblem.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Ado Eemon was first mentioned in the current Star Wars canon in the 2018 reference book Star Wars: Complete Vehicles.[2] In the Star Wars Legends continuity, Ado Eemon was introduced in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Incredible Cross-Sections, a 2005 reference book authored by Curtis Saxton.[3]


Notes and references[]

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