


Agamarian soybeans were a species of bean—a type of vegetable—from the planet Agamar,[1] an agricultural world in the Outer Rim Territories.[2] They were used to make the patties served in Agamar sliders, a dish sold for 6.7 credits by the Besalisk chef Dexter Jettster, at Dex's Diner on the planet Coruscant. The sliders could be eaten by vegetarians and Besalisks, consisting of the patty topped with Mugruebe spit-sauce and a slice of Binka fruit, served with a special sauce. Agamarian sliders were served at Dex's[1] until its destruction during the first two years of the Galactic Empire's reign.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

Agamarian soybeans were created for the 2009 StarWars.com Hyperspace article "Dining at Dex's," which was written by Gregory Walker.[1]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 HyperspaceIcon Dining at Dex's on Hyperspace (article) (content removed from StarWars.com and unavailable)
  2. The New Jedi Order Sourcebook
  3. The Last of the Jedi: Underworld established that Dex's Diner was destroyed by the Galactic Empire. The Essential Reader's Companion later stated that the novel took place around the year 18 BBY. The New Essential Chronology states that the Empire was formed in 19 BBY, so Dex's Diner was destroyed either during 19 BBY or 18 BBY.
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