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Ahsoka Tano owned a green-bladed lightsaber during the Clone Wars. Built under the tutelage of the ancient droid Professor Huyang when she was a very young Padawan, after returning from securing her Adegan crystal on Ilum. The lightsaber blade was a brilliant green. Tano used the lightsaber in many battles of the Clone Wars, such as Teth, Geonosis, Pantora, Lola Sayu, Felucia and Mon Calamari. She later wielded a lightsaber shoto alongside it.



Ahsoka Tano wields her two lightsabers

As Jedi own so few possessions, Ahsoka was very attached to her lightsaber and so was most upset when it was stolen from her by a Patrolian pickpocket. The lightsaber was sold to a notorious criminal named Nack Movers, only to have it stolen by Cassie Cryar after she killed him. After chasing Cryar across rooftops and a train, Ahsoka managed to retrieve her lightsaber with the help of Jedi Master Tera Sinube, who urged her to use her experience to remind a class of younglings of the importance of the lightsaber to their owners. She would use this lightsaber while focusing on Form IV and Form V lightsaber combat. She was notable in that she, unlike most other Jedi, wielded it in a reverse Shien style grip.

Later in the war, she crafted a yellowish-green Lightsaber shoto to pair with this blade and wielded it during many battles across the galaxy such as Kiros, Kadavo, Florrum and Onderon. Around 20 BBY, Tano lost both lightsabers when she was forced to go on the run; she dropped her shoto when a rocket blast knocked her over[3] and her original lightsaber while dueling Barriss Offee on Coruscant.[4] Ultimately losing her faith in the Jedi Order, she left that life behind, departing without either of her lightsabers.[5]

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Tano's green-bladed lightsaber with her yellow-green one

Non-canon appearances[]


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