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For other uses, see Ailon.
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The Ailon Nova Guard, also simply the Nova Guard, was the military force of Ailon, renowned for a martial prowess on par with the Imperial Royal Guard and the Mandalorians.[2]


Members of the Nova Guard were drilled from birth in military history and tactics.[3] Prizing physical toughness and survival of the fittest, Nova Guard had a near-religious devotion to martial tradition and trained to the highest possible standard, ensuring that the soldiers of the Nova Guard were professional under every circumstance; cowards were uncovered and executed long before they had the chance to shame their regiments in combat.[3] Combat was so central to the Nova Guard that those who were rejected from military service - or worse, expelled from their ranks - would exile themselves from their homeworld in disgrace.[3]

A minimum five-year tour of duty was mandatory for all Ailon, with trainees considered active-duty personnel; in battle, Nova Guard were known for their ability to outthink, outflank, and overwhelm their enemies.[3] It was common for individual soldiers of the Nova Guard to be shocked by the relative inexperience and lack of training in their foes.[3] While Nova Guard were exceptionally well trained in all aspects of modern warfare, they held hand-to-hand and melee combat in high esteem, often wielding polearms and the traditional Eklot alongside more conventional weaponry.[3][1]

The annual Ailon Military Ceremonies were a major tourist attraction for the Ailon system, and were broadcast galaxy-wide. During the reign of the Empire, elite Imperial units also participated in these parades and ceremonies.



The Ailon Nova Guard

During the Clone Wars, the Nova Guard fought for the Galactic Republic and participated in at least two battles, the Battle of Ord Canfre and the Battle of Bassadro. The Nova Guard was also said to have participated in the slaughter of the Mandalorian Protectors at Norval II.

The Nova Guard believed that Galactic Emperor Palpatine embodied their belief, and supported him however they could. The Humanocentric Empire took advantage of this, and often hired them for "glorious" battles which were really suicide missions. They were used as disposable assets and their deaths in combat provided Imperial commanders with real-time intelligence.[4] Two notable missions by the Nova Guard during this period were the toppling of King Satyr Azzlectico and the Sundering of Slession.

After the Battle of Endor, however, they worked to eliminate any Imperial threats. The Nova Guard started by fighting Imperial forces in the Inner Rim and, due to their high success rate, later targeted fortress worlds in the Mid Rim.[3]

During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Ailon Nova Guard switched its allegiance to the impressive Yuuzhan Vong and aided the alien invaders in conquering the Inner Rim, most notably Cona, Manaan, and Zeltros.[3]

Organization and Philosophy[]

Ailon Nova Guard SWJ15

Ailon Nova Guard

Numbering close to a billion soldiers, the Ailon Nova Guard was one of the most successful and fiercest fighting forces in the galaxy, a characteristic clearly visible in the organization of its ranks. Upon entering the Nova Guard, a new recruit would be given the rank of guardsman and could be promoted from there on. The next rank was corporal who led a group of forty men called a section. Next came lieutenant who led a platoon which consisted of six sections. A major, who led a company which was made up of eight platoons, came after lieutenant. Next came the position of lieutenant colonel who led battalions which were made up of eight companies. A colonel who led a regiment, a group consisting of two or more battalions, was the next rank up from lieutenant colonel. Next came Major Generals who led a division, which was made of six regiments. Next came Field Marshals who led corps, all of whom made up the Ailon Marshallate, an elite command force that also doubled as a Ruling Council. The Supreme Commander of the Ailon Nova Guard was the High Marshal of Ailon.


Notes and references[]

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