


Warning: This infobox has missing parameters: parents, pronouns, children, siblings, type, partners, families, feathers, mass and unrecognized parameters: hidep, hidec, era, imageBG, hideb

Kallig was a mysterious Sith Lord of the Old Sith Empire. Like many ancient Sith, his name was all but forgotten, as more powerful--or at least more visible--Sith Lords had taken their place in the historical record. The only known mention of Kallig was in the writings of the famous Dark Lord of the Sith Tulak Hord, who said "Easily the most ambitious, and therefore the most dangerous of my rivals is Kallig. Therefore, he shall be the first to die."

It is rumored, however, that Tulak Hord was not so successful at killing his rival as he would have liked--and that the strange events in the Dark Temple on Dromund Kaas during the Cold War had Kallig at their center. It was later discovered that his was the lost-forgotten ancestor of the Unidentified Sith Inquisitor (Cold War).

Beyind the Scenes

The race of Kallig depends from the race that the Sith Inquisitor's player.

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