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"Easily the most ambitious, and therefore the most dangerous, of my rivals is Kallig. Therefore, he shall be the first to die."
―Tulak Hord

Aloysius Kallig was a mysterious Sith Lord of the Old Sith Empire. Like many ancient Sith, his name was all but forgotten, as more powerful--or at least more visible--Sith Lords had taken their place in the historical record. The only known mention of Kallig was in the writings of the famous Dark Lord of the Sith Tulak Hord, who noted him as the greatest of his rivals.

It is rumored, however, that Tulak Hord was not as successful at killing his rival as he would have liked--and that the strange events in the Dark Temple on Dromund Kaas during the Cold War had Kallig at their center. It was later discovered that his was the lost-forgotten ancestor of the Sith Inquisitor.

By 3,641 BBY, Kallig's spirit awakened from his tomb within the Dark Temple on Dromund Kaas. He made himself much a nuisance enough to attract his descendant, the Inquisitor, to his tomb. He recognized that the Inquisitor was of his bloodline, but realized that his descendant knew nothing of their heritage, having fallen into slavery after his death. He cautions the Inquisitor to be wary of the Dashade Khem Val, as well as their master and apprentice and to never be taken by surprise, having confidence that his family's name will be restored to greatness. He then allowed the Inquisitor to take the artifact of Tulak Hord that Kallig stole before his unfortunate death. He advised caution, stating that death followed the artifact wherever it went.

Sometime later, Kallig became aware that the Inquisitor's Sith master, Darth Zash, sending two new apprentices, Kaal and Corrin, into the Dark Temple to confirm whether or not he was gone. Kallig considered killing them but refrained from doing so when they discussed Zash. Zash herself came by later, performing some sort of ritual. Venturing out of the temple, Kallig warned his descendant of these developments, implying that Zash seeks to replace her first apprentice. He then informed his descendant of the location of his mask which would provide protection against Zash, now in the hands of Sith Lord on Korriban.

After the Inquisitor had gathered all the artifacts of Hord, Kallig visited once again. He explained that he had discovered the location of his lightsaber, which he entrusted to his last loyal retainer, Jonas Escalus, who promised to keep it safe until the time Kallig's heir would come to claim it. Escalus' last descendant, Mila, was working at a casino on Nar Shaddaa. Unfortunately, her father broke the family pact, having lost it gambling.

Once the Inquisitor claimed their inheritance, Zash declared it time to begin the ritual with Hord's artifacts. However, Kallig became wary of Zash's motives and warned his heir that the Zash had been conducting rituals to protect herself from the Force. He urged the Inquisitor to strike at their master before she can and bring an ally who could break through her defenses.

As it turned out, Kallig was right. Zash's body had rapidly aged from quick corruption from the dark side and her rituals kept her sustained for a finite period of time and she sought to use the ritual to forcibly take control of her apprentice's body. Just before she could complete the ritual, Khem interrupted. Unexpectedly, while Zash's body died, her spirit was forced into the Dashade. As Kallig explained it, through some strange, miraculous trick, neither Khem nor Zash had full control. With the danger to his apprentice over, Kallig formally declared the Inquisitor heir to his legacy, and bestowed the name of Lord Kallig upon them.

Unfortunately, the victory was not to last, for Zash's superior, Darth Thanaton, attempted to send the Inquisitor to their death in the tomb of Darth Andru. Kallig's intervention saved his heir from death at the hands of the blind Sith Lord. Kallig warned his apprentice that Thanaton sends his enemies into this tomb to die. To enable the Inquisitor to gain more power to defeat Thanaton, Kallig directed them to the tomb of the Sith Lord Ergast, to learn the Force Walk, a ritual that can bind a Force ghost and draw on their power. With this ritual, the Inquisitor bound both Ergast and Andru to gain their power.

Eventually, the Inquisitor was able to defeat Thanaton and gain his seat on the Dark Council, restoring Aloysius's bloodline to greatness.

Behind the Scenes

The race of Kallig depends on the race chosen by the player of the Sith Inquisitor. Likewise, the type of lightsaber obtained by the Inquisitor depends on their advanced class. If the Inquisitor is a Sith Sorcerer, Kallig's weapon is a curved-hilt lightsaber (Kallig's scorching lightsaber); if a Sith Assassin, Kallig's weapon is a double-bladed lightsaber.

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