


The Andor team was the name of a team of the Rebel Alliance that was led by Captain Cassian Jeron Andor. It initially only consisted of Captain Andor, the prisoner Jyn Erso, and the droid K-2SO. After a mission to Jedha, the team acquired three allies. These were the two Guardians of the Whills Chirrut Îmwe and Baze Malbus, along with the Imperial defector Bodhi Rook.[1]

Once the Andor team returned to Yavin 4, not only had they located the Death Star plans, but they also discovered that Imperial scientist Galen Walton Erso placed a flaw in its design, allowing for its destruction. Despite the information, Rebel Alliance High Command refused to authorize any operations, and Sergeant Ruescott Melshi contacted Lieutenant Taidu Sefla to be part of an assault unit that was tasked with retrieving the plans. This group, composed of the Andor team and other Alliance special forces units, came to create Rogue One.[1]

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