

For other uses, see Apprentice.

An Apprentice was the lowest rank of the Black Bha'lir, bestowed upon new members. Apprentices were usually brought in by a relative, or had shown sufficient skill to be considered for membership. From their initiation into the Black Bha'lir, Apprentices were posted to serve as first mate on the ship of a more experienced Black Bha'lir member. Apprentices were barred from owning the own ships as they were both learning the ropes of the smuggling profession, and to ensure that they were tutored in the ethics and morality expected of a Black Bha'lir member. The Black Bha'lir took responsibility for the actions of their members, and took steps to make sure their members acted in accordance with their guidelines. Apprentices were fully aware that dishonoring the name of the Black Bha'lir was likely to be severe and possibly fatal. Roughly seventeen percent of the Black Bha'lir's members were Apprentices.[1]


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