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Arcona were a sentient species of desert-dwelling humanoids that was native to the planet Cona that possessed a triangular shaped head. Notable Arcona include El-Les, a bounty hunter who assisted in the training of new clone troopers, and Hem Dazon, an Arcona who was stranded on Tatooine.

Biology and appearance[]

Arcona were a sentient species of desert-dwelling humanoids that was native to the planet Cona. They were distinguished by their triangular heads with two large eyes set wide apart,[10] and hands with three or four fingers.[1] Arcona could have blue,[2] brown,[3] gold,[4] gray,[5] green,[1] or purple colored skin.[6]

Society and culture[]

Arcona lived in family-based communities and were notorious for their addiction to common salt.[10]

Arcona in the galaxy[]

During the Clone Wars, an male Arcona bounty hunter named El-Les assisted in the training of new clone troopers for the Grand Army of the Galactic Republic.[1]

A green Arcona was present at an event of Riot Racing on Serolonis around 19 BBY. They were killed by a stray blaster bolt when one of the racers accidentally fired into the crowd.[12]

Close to 20 years later, shortly before the Battle of Yavin, a brown-skinned Arcona named Hem Dazon lived on Tatooine, where he had become stranded after spending all his money on salt and juri juice.[4] The Arcona Boggs Triff led a mob on the moon of Nar Shaddaa until he was hunted down by IG-88B.[13]

Reeg Brosna was an Arcona pirate in the crew of the Crimson Corsair Sidon Ithano. While searching for a lost treasure, Brosna was swept away by a sandstorm on Ponemah Terminal.[9]

Garma was an elderly female Arcona who resided on the Colossus.[2]

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Behind the scenes[]

Arcona first appeared in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, during the cantina scene.[3] Hem Dazon, the Arcona seen in the cantina, was realized as a simple puppet with illuminated eyes. Because of the shape of the creature, its production nickname was "T-head."[14]


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Notes and references[]
