



"When the Empire occupied Mon Cala, I learned how to string Imperials along. If you seem harmless, people underestimate you. I spent a lot of time around Imperials, playing the dumb alien -- a bartender, a sweeper -- someone 'safe.' Next day, the rebellion would know everything I'd overheard. "
―Ardo Barodai[3]

Ardo Barodai was a Mon Calamari officer in the New Republic's Fleet Intelligence who oversaw operations of Vanguard Squadron.[3]

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Barodai served with the Temperance and its battle group

Ardo Barodai was a Mon Calamari who lived on Mon Cala during the Galactic Empire occupation of the planet. There he[3] worked as a bartender, listening to Imperial officers and passing intelligence to the Rebel Alliance.[1]

Skills and abilities[]

Barodai was a skilled strategist and spymaster.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Ardo Barodai first appeared in the 2020 video game Star Wars: Squadrons where he was voiced by Keythe Farley.[3]



Notes and references[]

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  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 StarWars-DatabankII Ardo Barodai in the Databank (backup link)
  2. According to Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition, the occupation of Mon Cala took place a year into the Emperor's rule. Since Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the beginning of Imperial rule to 19 BBY, the occupation of Mon Cala took place in 18 BBY.
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 Star Wars: Squadrons
  4. Star Wars Encyclopedia: The Comprehensive Guide to the Star Wars Galaxy