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The Arkanian Offshoots were a sub-species of the Arkanian race, genetically engineered by the famed Arkanian scientists. The Jedi Knight Dagan Gera was a member of the sub-species.

Biology and appearance[]

Due to the nature of their existence, the Arkanian Offshoots had a similar appearance to the Arkanian.[2] They were sentient humanoids with white skin, silver-grayish hair, and blue eyes.[1]


Known to be unscrupulous when it came to the bounds of scientific exploration, the geneticists of Arkania began to experiment on their own species to create offshoots of the Arkanian species. These offshoots were bred in great variety as living experiments and slaves. One particular group were bred as workers for the famed Arkanian diamond mines. The offshoots were often shunned, and considered not "true Arkanians."[2]

By the time of the High Republic Era, there was at least one Arkanian Offshoot serving under the Jedi Order, Dagan Gera. He held the rank of Jedi Knight, to which he helped assist Jedi Master Santari Khri with the discovery of the Koboh Abyss.[1]

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Behind the scenes[]

Arkanian Offshoot was first mentioned in the sourcebook Disciples of Harmony,[2] which was published by Fantasy Flight Games on June 1, 2017.[3] It was written by John Dunn and James M. Spahn.[2] The sub-species later appeared in the video game Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, which was developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts[1] on April 28, 2023.[4]

Despite their appearance in the game, the Arkanian Offshoot was first confirmed to be the species of Dagan Gera through the reference book Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia,[5] which was published by Dorling Kindersley on November 9, 2023. The book was written by Megan Crouse and Amy Richau.[6]


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Notes and references[]
