During the Great Sith War, a conflict fought in 3996 BBY between the Galactic Republic and Exar Kun's Sith Empire,[1] the Sith-influenced Mecrosa Order, a secret society of assassins and expert poisoners sponsored by House Mecetti,[3] assassinated the leaders of four rival Tapani noble houses[2] in the Nyssa system.[1]
During Tapani Day festivities, Sith assassins of the Mecrosa Order attempted to simultaneously dispose of the leaders of five of the eight rival Tapani noble houses, including Houses Barong, Calipsa, Melissus, Pelagia and Reena. Of these, only House Pelagia managed to foil the plot.[2]
Following these assassinations, the Mecetti Province absorbed the territories of Barong, Calipsa and Melissus, as well as a portion of Reena.[2]
- Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide (First mentioned)
- The Essential Atlas